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40 Examples of Management Productivity

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Management productivity is the amount of value a manager creates in a unit of time such as an hour, month or year. As managers direct people and resources they have leverage in creating much value with small improvements. For example, if you are managing 90 people and you increase their productivity by $1 an hour, you increase overall productivity by $90 an hour. The following are common ways that managers are productive.
Identifying and pursuing valuable strategies
Setting goals
Clearing issues
Aligning efforts across your organization
Making timely and reasonable decisions
Assigning work, responsibility and accountability
Establishing processes
Process automation
Streamlining processes
Reducing process errors
Sidelining distractions and low value work
Improving tools
Coordinating processes
Cross-functional collaboration
Recruiting talent
Retaining talent
Hold stakeholders to commitments
Hold team to commitments
Managing low performance
Creating a respectful and productive team culture
Supporting teams
Reducing waste
Optimizing costs
Generating revenue
Building customer relationships
Advocating for the customer
Solving customer problems
Retaining customers
Creating high standards for your service culture
Improving product positioning
Improving quality
Procuring productive partnerships
Managing partners
Achieving and sustaining compliance
Improving reputation and brand value
Solve the root cause of problems
Managing risk to reduce cost of risk
Rewarding productivity
Creating an open and flexible environment that uses good ideas from anywhere
Creating a creative environment where teams offer and pursue brave ideas
Managers create much value by pursuing valuable strategies, sidelining distractions and improving core work processes. They also clear issues, resolve problems and create accountability. Managers play an important role in assigning a sustainable but valuable pace of work to everyone and making sure nobody gets stuck in low productivity mode.


This is the complete list of articles we have written about productivity.
Hawthorne Effect
Importance of Time
Increased Productivity
Labor Intensive
More With Less
Parkinsons Law
Personal Productivity
Productivity Benefits
Productivity Mgmt
Quality Of Work
Respect For Time
Schedule Compression
Time Boxing
Time Efficiency
Time Sink
Work Habits
Work Management
Work Output
Work Productivity
Work Tasks
Zeigarnik Effect
More ...
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