Identifying and pursuing valuable strategies | Setting goals |
Clearing issues | Aligning efforts across your organization |
Making timely and reasonable decisions | Assigning work, responsibility and accountability |
Establishing processes | Process automation |
Streamlining processes | Reducing process errors |
Sidelining distractions and low value work | Improving tools |
Coordinating processes | Cross-functional collaboration |
Recruiting talent | Retaining talent |
Hold stakeholders to commitments | Hold team to commitments |
Managing low performance | Creating a respectful and productive team culture |
Supporting teams | Reducing waste |
Optimizing costs | Generating revenue |
Building customer relationships | Advocating for the customer |
Solving customer problems | Retaining customers |
Creating high standards for your service culture | Improving product positioning |
Improving quality | Procuring productive partnerships |
Managing partners | Achieving and sustaining compliance |
Improving reputation and brand value | Solve the root cause of problems |
Managing risk to reduce cost of risk | Rewarding productivity |
Creating an open and flexible environment that uses good ideas from anywhere | Creating a creative environment where teams offer and pursue brave ideas |