Academics | Brand enthusiasts |
Business owners | Businesses |
Community members | Concertgoers |
Conference attendees | Coworkers |
Customers | Customers of the competition |
Customers with a particular customer need | DIY enthusiasts |
Demographics such as age groups | Dissatisfied customers |
Employees | Event attendees |
Fans of a literary genre | Fans of a music genre |
Fashion enthusiasts | Foodies |
Gamers | Government agencies |
Hobby enthusiasts | Homeowners |
Immigrants and expats | Industries |
Investors | Job seekers |
Language learners | Loyal customers |
Married or single | Moviegoers |
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) | Nonprofits |
Novices or experts | Occupation e.g. homemakers |
Partners | Patrons |
People interested in a topic | People who live in a particular city, state or region |
People with a particular lifestyle | People with a particular problem |
People with concern for a social issue | People with concern for environmental issues |
Pet owners | Professions |
Psychographics such as attitudes | Renters |
Retirees | Rural residents |
Scientists | Social media followers |
Socioeconomic class | Sponsors |
Sports fans | Stakeholders |
Students | Target customers |
Teachers | Technology enthusiasts |
Theater patrons | Tourists |
Travelers | Urban residents |
Users of a product or service | Voters |
Your classmates | Your company |
Your department | Your fans |
Your school | Your team |