Accessibility | Accuracy and precision |
Acknowledgment of concerns | Avoidance of jargon and obscure language |
Case studies | Celebration & recognition |
Clarity | Collaborative communication |
Communication that isn’t dumbed down | Concise communication |
Conflict resolution | Consistency |
Constructive criticism | Credibility |
Cultural sensitivity | Data and analysis |
Diverse perspectives | Engaging communication |
Entertaining content | Fairness |
Financial information such as prices | Frequency & timing of updates |
Honesty, candor and authenticity | Illustrations |
Insights and actionable recommendations | Interactivity |
Lack of repetition | Language |
Media channel such as email | Networking opportunities |
Norms conformance such as saving face | Opportunity for feedback |
Participative communication | Plain language |
Practical guidance | Privacy and confidentiality |
Quick response times | Real world examples |
Reassurance & comfort | Relevance |
Respect for the audience’s intelligence | Respect for time and not wasting time |
Respectful tone | Social interaction |
Structure and organization of information | Support & resources |
Taking action based on feedback | Time information such as schedules |
Transparency | Trustworthiness |
Two-way communication | Usability of communication tools |
Value for the cost of communication | Value for time invested in communication |
Visualization of data |
Detailed Example
Let's say your firm has a cybersecurity incident and you are responsible for communicating the incident to several audiences. The following are examples of potential communication needs.Executives
Direct and accurate reporting of the impact of the incident including revenue impact, costs, compliance and reputational issues. Communication of next steps and what has been done to prevent further incidents.
Compliance reporting that is transparent and detailed.
Direct and honest communication of the impact to customers and any steps that customers need to take to protect themselves. A sincere apology, opportunity for feedback and acknowledgement of customer concerns.
An assessment of the short and long term earnings impact of the incident. If there is no impact, investors may require assurance and comforting.