Administrative Processes (e.g. new red tape) | Business Model Transformation (e.g. shift towards recurring revenue) |
Capability Maturity (increasingly robust / formal / optimized capacities) | Communication Change (e.g. regular skip level meetings) |
Compliance to Regulations / Standards | Cost Reduction |
Culture Change (e.g. shift towards/away from political activism in the workplace) | Delayering (flattening a hierarchy) |
Digital Transformation (e.g. move to digital advertising) | Entering New Markets |
Existing Markets | External Platforms (shift from internal to external technology) |
Financial Strengthening / Deterioration | Headcount Growth (hiring many new employees) |
Insourcing | Internal Competition (e.g. IT teams compete for internal work) |
Layoffs | Leadership Change |
Location Changes (e.g. moving headquarters) | Mergers & Acquisitions |
Mission Change (e.g. shift to environmental goals) | Modernization (e.g. retiring a legacy system) |
New Business Metrics / Ways of Evaluating Business | New Performance Objectives / Ways of Evaluating Employee Performance |
Office Design | Office Politics (e.g. two major teams stop cooperating) |
Outsourcing | Partnerships |
Policy Change | Power Shifts (e.g. head of HR is sidelined in favor of business teams) |
Process Improvement (slow change to processes) | Process Innovation (transformational change to a business process) |
Process Reengineering (designed change to processes) | Product Development |
Rebranding | Research Breakthroughs / Innovation |
Restructuring (changes to departments / teams) | Retiring Products |
Retrenchment (a major exit from a business activity) | Roles & Responsibilities |
Sales Model (e.g. shift to ecommerce from person-to-person sales) | Service Model (e.g. shift to high touch service from self-serve) |
Shift From Employees To Contractors / Freelancers | Systems / Automation |
Technology Change (e.g. new operating system on employee laptops) | Transition from products to services. |
Work From Home / Work From Office | Working Conditions (e.g. shift towards a safety culture) |
Overview: Business Change | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A process by which an organization restructures, improves, reinvents or shifts. | |
Related Concepts |