Accessibility of Communication (i.e. inaccessible to people with disabilities) | Conflict |
Cruel Wit | Cultural Differences |
Dishonesty | Disinformation |
Disinterest | Distrust |
Failure to Document Important Information | Failure to Manage Expectations |
Fear of Criticism | Fear of Public Speaking |
Hierarchical Communication | Ignoring Audience Motivations |
Inability to Build Rapport | Inability to Influence |
Inefficient Communication Processes | Information Overload |
Lack of Candor | Lack of Credibility |
Lack of Direction -- conversations with no point | Lack of Empathy |
Lack of Enthusiasm | Lack of Eye-Contact |
Lack of Questions | Lack of Respect for Time |
Lack of Transparency | Language Proficiency |
Low Cultural Competence | Low Frequency Communication |
Low Resilience to Stress | Low Self-Discipline |
Misinformation | Misuse of Commanding Language |
Negative Politics | Noise |
One-way Communication | Over-documenting Low Value Information |
Overcommunication | Overuse of Jargon / Complex Vocabulary |
Passive-Aggressive Behavior | Poor Communication Skills |
Poor Listening Habits | Poor Message Framing |
Poor Non-verbal Communication | Poor Visual Communication |
Random / Disorganized Communication | Rumors & Misinformation |
Self-Absorbed Communication | Sidelining |
Stakeholder Salience -- wrong person dominates conversation | Subterfuge |
Technology Issues (e.g. poor sound / video quality on call) | Tedious Presentations, Speeches and Meetings |
Unjustified Assumptions | Wrong Communication Channels |