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125 Examples of Communication Impact

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Communication impact is the effect of communication in the real world. This can include outcomes such as a group decision and changes in thinking such as increased awareness of an issue. It is common to target a particular impact as part of communication planning. In many cases, communication impact can be directly measured as a real world result or can be assessed by surveying or interviewing your audience. The following are common examples of communication impact.

Informational Influence

Communication that informs, instructs, directs or educates. This can be any type of communication such as public speaking, a document or conversation that transmits information and meaning between people.

Persuasive Impact

Persuasive impact relates to changing people's minds about something. This can include changes to fundamental beliefs such as values but is more commonly a process of building awareness and support for something. In some cases, persuasive impact simply involves trying to associate something you are promoting such as a brand with positive things.

Interpersonal Impact

The impact of communication on relationships and social processes such as cooperation, group decision making and shared experiences. For example, giving a speech that you hope will build comradery within your team.

Community Impact

Communication that influences thinking within a community or that leads to some community outcome such as solving a problem. For example, a workshop designed to increase safety awareness and emergency preparedness in a city.

Organizational Impact

Communication is the foundation of all cooperation and coordination of group effort whereby all organizations, departments and teams depend on it to achieve common goals. For example, a business that is trying to defeat resistance to change by communicating the urgent need for the change and engaging employees to build support.

Other Communication Impacts

Other communication impacts beside those listed above. Humans are fundamentally social beings who depend on communication to understand our environment and act. As such, most human behaviors and actions as groups are greatly shaped by communication. For example, an influential book that ends up changing public opinion and pushing government policy to change.

Measuring Communication Impact

Communication impact can be measured directly as real world results such as a marketing communication that generates revenue. Alternatively, communications can be measured by polling or surveying your audience. The following are common types of measurement for communication impact:
  • Communication results such as a meeting that solves a problem or makes a decision.
  • Business metrics such as sales volumes.
  • Marketing metrics such as conversion rate.
  • Media metrics such as page views.
  • Social media metrics such as likes or follows.
  • Analysis of feedback from your audience.
  • Audience surveys or questionnaires.
  • Polling a random sampling of your audience.
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