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Database of Communication Problems (170 Entries)

Communication problems are issues, challenges and barriers that interfere with the transfer of meaning between people. This includes problems faced by individuals, groups, teams, organizations or society in general in building relationships and sharing information.
All (170)
Personal (68)
Group (23)
Organizational (34)
Communication Barriers (53)
Accent Differences
Assuming Background Knowledge
Avoiding Difficult Conversations
Avoiding Eye Contact
Being Aggressive
Being Dismissive
Being Overly Critical
Being Too Passive
Being Too Uncomfortable With Silence
Being Unapproachable
Being Unfriendly
Biases & Fallacies
Blaming Others
Complicated Communication Processes
Cultural Differences
Cultural Insensitivity
Dealing With Criticism
Delayed Updates
Difficulty In Making Small Talk
Disorganized Communication
Disregarding Feedback
Disregarding Personal Space
Dominant Personalities Overshadowing Important Voices
Dry & Uninteresting Communications
Dumbing Down
Embrassing Others
Emotional Outbursts
Emotional Presence Such as Uptight
Excessive Formality
Excessive Informality
Excessive Negativity
Failure to Adapt to Audience
Failure to Engage Remote Members
Fear of Criticism
Fear of Judgment
Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Social Situations
Harsh Criticism
Hearing What You Want to Hear
Hierarchical Communication
Idiomatic Expressions
Ignoring Nonverbal Cues
Ignoring People's Feelings
Inaccessible Platforms
Inconsistent Availability
Inconsistent Messaging
Inconsistent Terminology
Industry Jargon
Inefficient Meetings
Information Overload
Insufficient Conflict Resolution Skills
Insufficient Follow-Up
Interpersonal Conflict
Judgmental Attitudes
Knowledge Gaps
Lack of Accuracy & Precision
Lack of Action Items
Lack of Clarity
Lack of Common Ground
Lack of Communication Goals
Lack of Communication Planning
Lack of Confidence
Lack of Consistency
Lack of Context
Lack of Direction
Lack of Empathy
Lack of Engagement
Lack of Feedback
Lack of Follow-through
Lack of Followup
Lack of Ground Rules
Lack of Humor
Lack of Leadership
Lack of Participation
Lack of Patience
Lack of Preparation
Lack of Relevance
Lack of Self-Awareness
Lack of Structure
Lack of Transparency
Lack of Trust
Lack of a Clear Agenda
Language Barriers
Language Proficiency
Language Skills
Leadership Disconnect
Misalignment of Goals
Misinterpretation of Humor
Mismanagement of Expectations
Missing Nonverbal Cues
Needless Secrecy
Negative Body Language
Negative Group Dynamics
Negative Politics
Not Asking Questions
Not Building Rapport
Not Engaging Others
Not Reading Intentions
One-way Communication
Outdated Knowledge
Over-reliance on Email
Overemphasis on Consensus
Overemphasis on Winning Arguments
Overly Dramatic Messaging
Overly Dramatic Word Choice
Overly Personal Disclosures
Overly Personal Questions
Overreliance on Technology
Overthinking Responses
Passive-Aggressive Communication
Personal Biases
Policy Ambiguity
Poor Communication Skills
Poor Leadership
Poor Listening Habits
Poor Timing
Poor Tone
Poorly Defined Roles
Remote Work Challenges
Rumors & Misinformation
Rushing a Conversation
Rushing to Conclusions
Siloed Departments
Stakeholder Salience Issues
Talking Over Others
Talking Too Fast or Slow
Technical Issues
Technical Terminology
Telling Stories In Unclear Way
Time Constraints
Time Zone Differences
Tone of Voice
Too Many Meetings
Unapproachable Leadership
Unclear Communication Goals
Unclear Goals
Underthinking Responses
Unjustified Assumptions
Using Complex Language
Using Filler Words Excessively
Using Negative Language
Using Ultimatums
Vague Objectives
Visual Distractions
Wrong Communication Channels

Personal Communication Problems

Communication is a deep skill whereby there are great differences in talent from one person to the next. People, languages, social situations, politics, cultures and relationships are all complex such that communication is not easy. The following common challenges.
  • Skill shortfall whereby you can't do what you would like to do. For example, you imagine yourself giving a great presentation but it ends up muddled and confusing.
  • Lacking confidence in certain situations such as public speaking.
  • Personal presence issues whereby you're not perceived the way you'd like to be perceived.
  • Rapport issues such as ignoring people's feelings or being too serious all the time.
  • Emotion related issues such as allowing others to derail your emotional state.
  • Troubles reading or navigating social situations.
  • Not reading elements of communication such as the intent, motivations and emotions of others.
  • Not listening to others or getting distracted when you yourself are speaking.
  • Storytelling problems such as telling confusing stories.
  • Not using humor or not getting it.
  • Self-awareness and monitoring how you are being perceived.

Group Communication Problems

Groups represent a social environment whereby communication behaviors can shift. For example, group members may not say what they really think in order to avoid criticism. In many cases, the decisions made by groups reflect the social dynamics of the group as opposed to a truly optimal or even rational decision. The following are common group communication problems:
  • A few people often dominate the conversation.
  • Group members may be intentionally vague or say things that lack content because they fear criticism.
  • A lack of clear goals.
  • Excessive consensus seeking whereby leadership might be more efficient at making a rational decision quickly.
  • Interpersonal conflict and political environments where communication is focused on positioning over solving actual problems.
  • Stakeholder salience issues whereby the most vocal members may not have much vested interest in the problem being discussed.

Organizational Communication Issues

Organizations use communication to coordinate efforts across many people. Where this fails an organization is likely to be inefficient. The following are common challenges.
  • Lack of transparency, needless secrecy and information silos.
  • Inefficient and excessive communication.
  • Slow communication such that rumors front-run announcements.
  • Leadership that is disconnected from reality.
  • A lack of consistency and the sense that the organization rarely does what it says it will do.
  • Disengaged employees.
  • A lack of feedback or follow-up to feedback.

Communication Barriers

Communication barriers are general communication issues that can impact across an entire society.
  • Noise and information overload.
  • Biases and stereotyping.
  • Attitudes and perceptions such as a lack of trust.
  • Dumbing down, meaningless filler words and communication with little or no actual content.
  • A tendency to copy what other people say.
  • Invalid assumptions.
  • The use of obscure jargon or overly complex language.
Next read: Communication Barriers
More about communication:
Action Words
Communication Analysis
Communication Behaviors
Communication Context
Communication Culture
Communication Experience
Communication Impact
Communication Issue
Communication Mgmt
Communication Needs
Communication Planning
Communication Problem
Communication Problems
Communication Quality
Communication Risk
Communication Skills List
Communication Values
Direct Communication
Emotional Words
Executive Communication
External Communication
Forms Of Communication
Group Communication
Information Sharing
Media Communication
Media Consumption
Media Studies
Message Framing
Negative Feedback
Personal Influence
Positive Feedback
Presentation Skills
Real Examples
Types of Communication
Written Communication
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Communication Skills List

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