Account Id | Acquisition Type (how did you acquire the customer) |
Address | Affinity (things the customer likes) |
Campaign Interest (e.g. click thoroughs) | Cancellations |
Cart Abandonments | Color Affinity (e.g. often orders blue things) |
Complaint Status | Contact Preference |
Coupon Purchases | Customer Satisfaction (i.e. how did the customer rank your service) |
Customer Status | Customer Type |
Date of Birth | Device Type (e.g. logons on with a computer / phone) |
Downgrades | Downloads |
Education Level | Email |
Employer | Family Details (e.g. Parental Status) |
Feature Utilization | Firmographic Attributes (for business customers) |
First Name | First Purchase Date |
Gender | Gift Purchases |
Housing Type | Identification Number (e.g. Driver's Licence Number) |
Income | Inquiries |
Interactions | Job Title |
Last Name | Last Purchase Time |
Last Visit Time | Licence Type |
Lifestyle Attributes (e.g. owns a pet) | Lifetime Customer Value |
Loyalty Status | Marital Status |
Media Views | Mobile Number |
Newsletter Permission / Preference | Number of Children |
Number of Purchases | Number of Returns |
Number of Visits | Open Rate |
Opinion Data (e.g. from a survey) | Order Metrics (e.g. average order value) |
Payment Methods | Payment Status |
Phone Number | Point / Gift Card Balance |
Points Status | Privacy Preference |
Product Affinity (products the customer often buys) | Product Views |
Purchase Motivation | Shipping Preferences |
Social Media Activity (e.g. shares your content in social media) | Social Media Identifiers |
Subscription Renewal Date | Subscriptions |
Tax Id | Title |
Value of Purchases | Value of Returns |
Visit Trend (e.g. visiting more or less than usual) | Wish List (i.e. products the customer has saved) |