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18 Examples of Customer Analysis

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Customer analysis is the systematic process of defining a target market and working to understand their needs, motivations and perceptions. This is done to establish strategies or fix problems in areas such as customer experience, sales, product development, promotion, pricing and branding. The following are common examples of customer analysis.
Brand Analysis
Analysis of brand recognition, awareness and image.
Competitor Analysis
Analysis of how customers feel about the competition.
Customer Acquisition Analysis
Testing different customer acquisition approaches to see what can be scaled.
Customer Advocacy
Using customer feedback and engagement to improve your products, services and experience.
Customer Feedback Analysis
Finding meaning such as common themes in customer feedback, ratings and reviews.
Customer Insights
Delivering actionable insights from customer data and engagement such an issue that is a major cause of customer dissatisfaction.
Customer Journey Mapping
Analysis of the end-to-end customer experience to identity pain points and things that are working well.
Customer Needs
Identifying what customers need in a product category.
Customer Perceptions
Customer perceptions such as how they feel about different prices.
Customer Profiling
Modeling customer segments including things like needs, perceptions and motivations.
Customer Retention Analysis
Looking at why customers leave and how to retain them.
Customer Satisfaction
Assessment of customer satisfaction levels by various dimensions such as product or location.
Customer Segments
Identifying groups of customers to tailor promotions, products and services.
Key Performance Indicators
Calculating customer related metrics such as Customer Lifetime Value (CAC).
Market Research
The broader practice of looking at competition, industry change and customers.
Market Testing
Testing concepts, prototypes, products and services by engaging your target market.
Target Audience
Identifying audiences for messages such as advertising.
Target Market
Identifying the customers for a product or service based on factors such as needs, demographics, psychographics and behavior.

Customer Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about customer analysis.
Consumer Issues
Critical To Customer
Customer Analytics
Customer Attributes
Customer Base
Customer Complaints
Customer Expectations
Customer Motivation
Customer Needs
Customer Outcomes
Customer Pain Points
Customer Preferences
Customer Requirement
Customer Requirements
Customer Research
Customer Success
Customer Wants
Experience Sampling
Focus Group
Ladder Interview
Lead User
Marketing Experimentation
Moment Of Truth
Price Sensitivity
Serviceable Available Market
Target Market
Voice Of The Customer
More ...
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