AI platforms | Analytics platforms |
Blogs | Bots |
Business integration | Business services |
Chat rooms | Chatbots |
Cloud backup | Cloud computing |
Cloud platforms | Cloud storage |
Collaboration tools | Connected appliances |
Digital advertising | Digital marketing |
Discussion boards | Ecommerce |
Email | File sharing |
Fitness apps and trackers | Home security systems |
Internet of things (IoT) | Live streaming |
Messaging apps | Mobile apps |
Mobile payment services | Navigation services |
News apps | Office productivity tools |
Online banking | Online bills and invoices |
Online calling - voice over ip | Online education and learning |
Online events | Online games |
Online markets | Online recruiting |
Online self-service | Online services |
Online shopping | Online trading |
Online video | Online virtual reality |
Podcasts | Review sites |
Search | Smart city infrastructure |
Smart home devices | Smart locks and doorbells |
Social media | Software as a service |
Software downloads | Software updates |
Steaming music | Streaming movies |
Surveillance systems | Tracking devices |
Video chat | Video conferencing |
Virtual assistants | Voice services |
Weather apps | Websites |