Algorithmic and AI bias | Algorithmic or AI generated content recommendations |
Allows anyone to publish anything – takes media control from elites | Brand building |
Building a social network | Cancel culture |
Censorship | Challenges dominance of traditional media |
Collection of personal data | Community building |
Content sharing | Cyberbullying |
Cybercrime | Cyberstalking |
Dependence on likes and comments for self-esteem | Digital addition |
Disinformation and misinformation | Engaging – easy to consume lots of time |
Facilitates groupthink | Facilitates open debate |
Fear of missing out | Filter bubbles – following people who reflect your own views |
Global interaction | High engagement – users spend many minutes on app |
Inclusive and participative – most people can get an account | Influencer marketing |
Influencers | Information connectedness |
Instant consumption of information | Likes |
May encourage consumerism | Multitasking |
Often owned and operated by very large technology companies | Online disinhibition - People say things online they wouldn’t say in real life or face to face |
Permanence – public posts may be recorded may places such that they never disappear | Person to person communication via direct messages |
Public posts – what you say enters public record | Real-time updates |
Short content possibly encouraging short attention spans | Social connectedness |
Socialization | Substitute for face-to-face interaction |
Surveillance | Targeted digital ads |
Timely pulse on events, opinion and trends | Trolling |
User-generated content | Virality |