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18 Types of Brand Objectives

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Brand objectives are the goals of a brand. Objectives include both end-goals such as revenue and steps towards end-goals such as the image of a brand in the market. The following are common brand objectives.
Increase brand recognition
Improve brand image
Increase brand awareness
Drive customer loyalty
Differentiate from competitors
Expand market reach
Increase sales
Increase selling price and margins
Improve customer engagement
Increase brand equity
Maintain brand consistency
Align brand messaging
Deliver to a brand promise
Cultivate brand advocacy
Increase customer satisfaction
Internal branding initiatives
Improve brand perceptions
Compelling brand stories

Identity & Image

Establishing an identity for a brand in the market. Measured with surveys that discover how a brand is viewed by your target market.


The percentage of customers who recognize your brand name and visual symbols such as logo, packaging, brand colors and products.


Brand awareness is the percentage of customers who can recall your brand. For example, top of mind awareness is the percentage of customers who name your brand first when given a product category such as "coffee."


A measure of how often customers interact with your brand. Interactions are defined by you and can include things like visiting your website, visiting a location, making an order and reviewing a product.

Brand Loyalty

The number of customers who regularly purchase your brand.

Brand Advocate

The number of customers who recommend your brand to others.

Brand Equity

The estimated value of your brand.

Market Share

The percentage of your target market that are customers.


Revenue margins of a brand driven by factors such as brand identity, brand awareness, brand legacy and premiumization of products.


Brand objectives are targets for brands in areas such as recognition, awareness, image and engagement.
Overview: Brand Objectives
The goals of a brand.
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Brand Development
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Brand Experience
Brand Extension
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Brand Guidelines
Brand Identity
Brand Loyalty
Brand Management
Brand Metrics
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Brand Recognition
Brand Status
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Brand Voice
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