Absenteeism | Breaks a Law |
Brings Politics to Work (external politics) | Communication Problems |
Cronyism (e.g. promotes unqualified friends) | Discrimination |
Dishonesty | Dispute Between Employee and Firm |
Disregards Information Security Practices | Disrespectful to Customers, Partners or Coworkers |
Doesn't Comply to Policy | Fails to Achieve Objectives |
Fails to Act in the Best Interests of the Firm | Fails to Collaborate with Team |
Fails to Control Costs | Fails to Engage Stakeholders |
Fails to Reflect the Values of the Firm Outside Working Hours | Failure to Deliver to Commitments |
Fraud | Harassment |
Health & Safety Violations | Hostile to Customers |
Ignores Internal Controls | Inappropriate Expenses |
Inappropriately Harsh Communication | Interpersonal Conflict |
Lack of Financial Diligence and Control | Late For Work / Meetings |
Leaks Information | Low Customer Satisfaction |
Low Productivity | Low Work Throughput |
Media Consumption at Work | Overly Political (internal politics) |
Passive Aggressive Behavior | Personal Hygiene |
Poor Attention to Detail | Poor Work Quality |
Preaches an Ideology at Work | Resists Change |
Shirks Accountability & Responsibility | Skills / Knowledge Shortfall |
Slow Response to Requests | Spreads Gossip |
Swearing | Unethical Conduct |
Unprofessional Attire | Unprofessional Conduct |
Unreachable During Work Hours | Workplace Bullying |