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Work quality is how well your work achieves its objectives while meeting requirements, standards and expectations. This is evaluated with a concept known as fit for purpose whereby quality work achieves its goals with no need for perfectionism such as excessive optimization or refinement. In the real world, work quality is evaluated against the expectations of your stakeholders such your boss or client. As such, managing expectations is typically required to achieve high evaluations of your work quality. The following are common elements of work quality.
Accurate | | Actionable | Adapted to Change | Aesthetics | Applicable | Attention to Detail | Budget Variance | Business Acumen | Commercial Viability | Communication | Completeness | Compliance to Process | Compliance to the Law | Concise | Conforms to Requirements | Conforms to Standards | Consulted Appropriate Experts | Controlled | Creative | Customer Experience | Diligent | Direction | Durable | Efficient | Environmentally Responsible | Evidence Based | Flexible | Friendly Service | Generates Revenue | Imaginative | Inventive | Issues Were Handled | Knowledge Captured | Learning from Failure | Meets Expectations | Objective | Optimized | People Were Treated Fairly | Pragmatic | Precision | Produces Value | Productive | Professional Standards | Professionalism | Reasonable | Relevant | Reliable | Represented the Firm / Brand | Resilient | Resources Were Utilized | Respects Culture(s) | Risks Were Managed | Safety & Security | Solves Problems | Stakeholder Feedback Was Positive | Stakeholders Were Consulted | Timelines Met | Transparency | Usability |
Direction and control relate to how well you directed people and controlled resources as part of the work process.Culture relates to how well your work conforms the human side of your organization, profession, products and brand. As a counterexample, a project manager who is secretive and confrontational in a culture of openness, collaboration and transparency.Revenue generating work can be evaluated according to its commercial viability until it is launched to market.Work quality considers all stakeholders but it is common for customers to be first and foremost. For example, if you design a product that business units complain about but customers love it -- the customer opinion would typically be heavily weighted.
Work Quality
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