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Organizing Principle

30 Examples of an Organizing Principle

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An organizing principle is a guiding idea that is used to direct a society, organization or initiative. An organization may develop a complex set of principles, strategies, policies and procedures but it typically only chooses a single organizing principle. In many cases, an organizing principle is enshrined in an organization's mission statement. The following are common examples of an organizing principle.
Customers first.
Make things better for the customer.
Environmental stewardship and social responsibility.
Responsiveness to change.
A dedication to quality.
Creativity and disruptive change.
Productivity and work-ethic.
Efficiency and eliminating waste.
Openness and honesty.
Safety and security.
Maximizing profits.
Living up to ethics and moral principles.
Reducing costs and achieving cost leadership.
Listening to customers.
Entrepreneurial spirit.
Building resilience and grit.
Experimenting and learning from failure.
Calculated risk taking and initiative.
Making good use of time.
Time to market and rapid change.
Lifelong learning and education.
Pursuit of adventure and experience.
Leading an industry.
Building relationships and partnerships.
A sense of ownership amongst employees.
Doing good for people and planet.
Pursuit of design perfection.
Mastery of an art, craft or profession.
Investing in people.
Win-win thinking whereby you succeed by helping others succeed.
Overview: Organizing Principle
A guiding idea that is used to direct a society, organization or initiative.
Consistency in direction
More Examples
People, Planet, Profits
Quality of Life
Form Follows Function
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Do No Harm
Fit For Purpose
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Last Responsible Moment
Organizing Principle
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