Be CuriousRe-imagine, research and experiment. | Be DiligentThere is a time for thinking big and a time for looking at the details with diligence. |
Be HumbleNever underestimate competitors, customers and employees. | Be NiceThis is a friendly place. We respect each other and customers. |
Be RealWe are transparent, open, direct and honest. | Be RightWe aggressively validate our strategy and decisions and recognize when our initial ideas are flawed. |
Be The ChangeWe don't follow change in our industry, we lead it. | Be a BuilderWe promote and reward those who deliver value and build up others. |
Bias For ActionClear issues and move forward today. | Business as UsualWe keep our business going in the face of major disruptions. |
Creative TensionIntensive disagreement produces innovation. We aren't afraid of a good argument. | Customer is Always RightTake the customer at their word. |
Customers are EverythingAll strategy and decisions make things better for the customer. | Deliver OftenWe don't rest on our past accomplishments. We deliver value often. |
Disagree and CommitStrategy and decisions are openly communicated and debated. Once a decision is made, everyone needs to commit. | Do No HarmDo not harm people and planet. |
Doing GoodWe work to have a positive impact on the world. | Entrepreneurial SpiritWe embrace change and calculated risk taking. |
Essential ComplexityAvoid the temptations of minimalism - make things as complex as they need to be. | Fail WellExperiment and design these experiments to fail quickly, cheaply and safely. |
FrugalityNever overspend. Maximize value for cost. | Human JudgementMeasurements are good but we also need to understand our business end-to-end and be able to identify over-optimization to avoid missing the big picture. |
Keep it SimpleEliminate needless complexity. | Know Your CustomerThe legal requirement to verify customers in industries such as banking. |
Last Responsible MomentAvoid overplanning and overthinking - act and adapt. | Learn From FailureRecognize failure early and often and try to find the lesson in it. |
Measure & ImproveWe measure our business and continually work to improve against these measurements. | OwnershipWe never say that's not my job. |
Raise the BarNever settle for best practices and keeping up with the competition - continually try to exceed the standards of others. | Social ResponsibilityWe are responsible for the total impact of our business on people and planet. |
Structure Follows StrategyThe structure of teams and authority is the foundation of business strategy. | Talent WinsEmployees aren't interchangeable - people can develop talents such that they are incredibly valuable to a business. |
Think BigWe dream and have a big mission and vision for our future. | Trust is EarnedDeliver to commitments and be authentic to earn the trust of customers and each other. |