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Prior art is all public information that existed at a particular date. An invention can't be patented if it existed in prior art before the date of the patent application.Trade SecretsA patent can be granted on an invention if others were aware of it but kept it secret. As such, keeping trade secrets is a risk.
Defensive PublicationA firm may publish techniques, methods and designs to the public in order to create prior art that prevents competitors from developing patents.Duty of DisclosureIn many jurisdictions, it is a duty to disclose any material prior art known by the inventor. Failure to disclose prior art can be considered inequitable conduct that may render a patent invalid.
Detail & Prior ArtPrior art is any recorded information that is available to the public before a particular date. To be considered prior art it should be detailed enough for a person skilled in the art to use. Conversations & Traditional KnowledgeGenerally speaking, conversations and secret information aren't included. In some cases, traditional knowledge has been considered prior art even if it wasn't explicitly recorded.|
Type | | Definition | All public information that existed at a particular date. | Implications | A patent sufficiently described in prior art is invalid. | Notes | Patent law and interpretations of prior art differ from one jurisdiction to the next. | Related Concepts | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about innovation.
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A list of common innovation principles.
An overview of fail often innovation.
How to measure innovation including early stage, late stage and overall program metrics.
The basic types of pilot used in business, science and entertainment.
A definition of lead user with examples.
A definition of moment of truth with a few examples.
A definition of user innovation with examples.
The common types of proof of concept.
The common types of commercialisation.
The common types of innovation objectives with examples.
An overview of the risk management process.
An overview of cascading failure and resilience.
An overview of business as usual.
A list of techniques for reducing risk.
The difference between risk mitigation and risk reduction.
A list of common risk controls.
A definition of risk value with example calculation.
The common types of risk impact.
A definition of risk communication with examples.
Overview of the steps in a risk management process.
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