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Intellectual Property

8 Types of Trade Secret

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A trade secret is carefully guarded information that represents a competitive advantage for a business. To be considered a trade secret, information must clearly contribute to a firm's future revenue and must be unknown to all competitors. As such, registered intellectual property such as a patent isn't considered a trade secret. The following are common types of trade secret.


The formula for a product. Some types of products, such as food are required to display ingredients on the label in most jurisdictions. However, this is usually a high level list of ingredients that leaves the exact formula a secret.


A process such as a cooking process that results in an advantage such as a unique flavor.


The design of a product or service. It can be difficult to keep designs secrets for long as they can typically be reverse engineered.


Methods such as an algorithm or calculation that improves decisions, operations or products.


A tool that improves work results such as a propriety design tool that improves productivity and quality.


Propriety systems and robotics that automate work to improve efficiency and quality.


A reusable solution that applies to multiple designs, systems or processes.


The ability to solve a problem that the competition isn't able to solve.
Overview: Trade Secrets
Secret information that represents a competitive advantage for a business.
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Competitive Advantage

This is the complete list of articles we have written about competitive advantage.
Absolute Advantage
Bargaining Power
Barriers To Entry
Business Cluster
Business Scale
Business Strengths
Competitive Differentiation
Competitive Parity
Competitive Pressure
Competitive Strategy
Cost Advantage
Cost Innovation
Cost Strategy
Critical Mass
Customer Satisfaction
Digital Maturity
Distinctive Capability
Economic Advantage
Economies Of Density
Economies Of Scale
Economies Of Scope
Experience Economy
Information Advantage
Information Asymmetry
Market Position
Market Power
More With Less
Network Effect
Organizational Culture
Price Leadership
Product Development
Relational Capital
Relative Advantage
Risk Management
Strategic Advantage
Switching Barriers
Switching Costs
Trade Secrets
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