Aligning to customer preferences | Attractive pricing model |
Capacity | Cleanliness |
Compliance to regulations | Compliance to standards |
Connection to culture, history & tradition | Convenient locations |
Convenient services | Customer comfort |
Customer experience | Customization options |
Durability | Ease of maintenance |
Ease of repair | Ease of use |
Education & learning | Efficiency |
Emotional wellness | Epic experience |
Facilitating social processes | Fair and accurate billing |
Fair terms | Fast response to customer requests |
Flexibility, adaptability & versatility | Friendly service |
Health & wellness | Inclusiveness & accessibility |
Integration & compatibility | Intuitive user interfaces |
Managed services | Meeting customer needs |
On-time performance | Peace of mind |
Pleasant service environments | Powerful functionality and features |
Powerful user interfaces | Privacy protection |
Product aesthetics | Product performance |
Product quality | Product size |
Product speed | Professional service |
Provide access to facilities, resources and environments | Provide access to knowledge and data |
Provide entertainment | Quality materials |
Quality of packaging | Build quality |
Design quality | Reducing stress |
Reducing uncertainty and doubt | Reduction of risk |
Reliability | Resilience |
Safety & security | Save space |
Save time | Sense & sensation |
Sense of belonging | Emotional wellness |
Social status | Solving customer problems |
Style | Support |
Sustainability | Timely and useful information |
Timely delivery | Training & development |
Information that is actionable, timely, accurate and credible has value. For example, an accurate weather forecast allows people to plan their weekend. Meaningful knowledge that isn't timely or actionable can also have significant value.Needs
Functions and features that fulfill customer needs. Customer needs are based on the subjective evaluations of customers. They include both basic physical needs such as food and desired items such as diamonds.Experiences
Intangible benefits such as an activity that is enjoyable.Objectives & Goals
Processes and practices that achieve objectives and goals. For example, studying may achieve an objective such as passing a test. This may be related to a goal such as graduating with a degree.Reliability
Products and services that work as expected in a wide range of conditions over time. For example, a bicycle might work reliably with minor maintenance for more than 5 years.Quality of Life
The things that make communities happy, healthy, fulfilled, peaceful and prosperous such as a clean environment, quality education and adequate healthcare.Risk
Things that reduce risks such as safety features.Overview: Value Creation | ||
Type | ||
Definition | An activity that benefits people. | |
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