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11 Examples of Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to participate in the economy and culture surrounding information technologies. The following are common elements of digital literacy.


The ability to discover information with digital tools and evaluate the reliability of such information sources. For example, the ability to research campsites for a summer vacation by discovering reviews that appear to be unbiased.


The use of digital tools to improve productivity at work and study. For example, the use of a word processor to edit an essay is generally more productive as it allows for easier revisions than writing on paper.


Digital communication tools such as a voice-over-ip app that is dramatically cheaper than a phone call or a video conferencing application that allows you to join online classes.


Coding simple scripts that automate work or calculate something. Basic scripting is easy to learn. Developing large systems is still a complex task that requires a computer science degree or industry experience. This may change with time as programming languages become more advanced such that you can just state your requirements and all the work of coding will be automated.

Maker Culture

Maker culture is the culture of designing and making things with digital tools. For example, designing your own toy train set with a design application and printing these parts with a 3d printer.


The experience of playing video games. In moderation, this can have a wide range of benefits such as improved reaction time.

Immersive Experiences

The ability to experience digital environments that are all surrounding such that they feel real. For example, a class that examines a holographic digital twin of a space station such that they feel they are in space.

Economic Participation

Experiences and knowledge that allow an individual to use the productivity tools used by businesses. For example, a salesperson who is productive using a common sales force automation platform. In a developed country, most professions now rely on a variety of digital tools.

Social Participation

Immersion in digital culture and an ability to socialize in digital environments. For example, a gardener who is able to find support from other gardeners in a forum when they have a problem.

Media Participation

Digital media allows anyone to publish content to the internet, potentially reaching a large audience. This is very different from the 20th century model of broadcast media whereby only a relatively small number of large media companies had this power.

Defensive Computing

Defensive computing is basic awareness of information security and the steps that a user can take to reduce risks in a digital environment. For example, configuring a video conference tool such that only people in your contacts list can contact you.
Overview: Digital Literacy
The ability to participate in the economy and culture surrounding information technologies.
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