All (212)
Government (32)
Poltical (22)
Economic (35)
Social (38)
Education (20)
Cultural (9)
Media (21)
Technological (15)
Environmental (16)
Global (12)
AI in warfare | Access to healthcare |
Addiction | Aging infrastructure |
Algorithmic bias | Algorithmic discrimination |
Authoritarianism | Bank failures |
Bankruptcies | Biodiversity loss |
Bullying | Censorship |
Child poverty | Civil unrest |
Climate change | Concentration of media ownership |
Conflict of interest | Consumerization of culture |
Corporate accountability | Corporate influence |
Corporate lobbying against environmental regulations | Corporate tax loopholes |
Corporate welfare | Corruption |
Cost of education | Cost of healthcare |
Cost of living | Cultural erosion |
Cultural instability & rapid cultural change | Culture wars |
Currency instability | Cybersecurity incidents |
Debt defaults | Decline in journalistic integrity |
Decline of democratic norms | Decline of local journalism |
Decline of objectivity | Decline of reading habits |
Declining birth rates | Declining trust in government |
Declining trust in media institutions | Declining voter turnout |
Deflation | Deforestation |
Dehumanization through automation | Demographic decline |
Depressions | Digital distraction |
Digital divide | Digital footprints |
Diminishing job quality related to technology | Disability rights |
Discrimination | Dumbing down of education |
Echo chambers | Economic instability |
Economic stagnation | Education access |
Electoral fraud | Energy consumption of data centers |
Environmental negligence | Ethical lapses |
Excessive bureaucracy | Excessive consumer debt |
Excessive government spending | Excessive medical debt |
Excessive regulation | Excessive screen time |
Excessive student loan debt | Exploitation of freelancers |
Exploitation of migrant labor | Exploiting tragedy for views |
Failure to regulate markets | Failure to regulate monopolies |
Financial crises | Food deserts |
Generational divide | Gentrification |
Gerrymandering of electoral districts | Global poverty |
Globalization driven job losses | Government oppression |
Government surveillance | Grade inflation |
Gun violence | Hate crimes |
Healthcare access | High dropout rates |
High interest lending | High rates of incarceration |
High stakes testing | Homelessness |
Housing shortages | Human rights violations |
Hunger and malnutrition | Inadequate oversight |
Industry collapse | Ineffective bureaucracy |
Infectious diseases | Inflation |
Influence of lobbyists | Influencer culture |
Lack of accountability | Lack of civic engagement |
Lack of economic opportunity | Lack of hands-on learning |
Lack of media accountability | Lack of political will to solve large problems |
Lack of transparency | Large budget deficits |
Legal injustice | Loss of languages |
Loss of privacy | Loss of traditions |
Low political participation | Low reuse and recycling rates |
Low wages | Mass surveillance |
Media addiction | Media bias |
Media monopolies | Mental health issues |
Minority rights | Misinformation |
Monopolies | National debt issues |
News deserts | Obesity |
Obstacles to homeownership | Online bullying |
Outdated curriculum | Over-policing |
Overemphasis on college degrees | Overemphasis on technology in education |
Overfishing | Overreliance on social media for information |
People becoming subservient to AI or algorithms | Plastic pollution |
Police brutality | Police militarization |
Policy inconsistency | Political apathy |
Political dynasties | Political gridlock |
Political instability | Political nepotism |
Political polarization | Political repression |
Pollution | Poor corporate governance |
Poor disaster preparedness | Poverty |
Public health problems | Public sector mismanagement |
Quality of education | Racial profiling |
Racism | Recessions |
Refugee crises | Regressive taxation |
Religious intolerance | Right to know about toxins in products and environments |
School overcrowding | School safety |
School shootings | Sensationalism |
Sexism | Slow transition to clean energy |
Small business failures | Social instability |
Social isolation and loneliness | Stagflation |
Tax avoidance by wealthy | Tax burden |
Teacher burnout | Teacher shortages |
Technology addiction | Technology driven job displacement |
Technology driven social isolation | Terrorism & extremism |
The cult of celebrity | The decline of the middle class |
The power of big tech | The proliferation of paywalls |
Toxic chemicals | Trade conflicts |
Trade inequities | Transportation system failures |
Under-policing | Underemployment |
Underfunding of public schools | Undermining rights & freedoms |
Undue influence of special interest groups | Unemployment |
Unethical use of AI | Unfair laws |
Unpreparedness for workforce | Unqualified political appointments |
Unrepresentative government | Unstable political systems |
Unsustainable tourism | Violence |
Voter disenfranchisement | Voter suppression |
War & conflict | Weak environmental policies |
Weak rule of law | Women's rights |
Workplace conflict | Xenophobia |
Youth incarceration rates | Youth unemployment |