Accountability | Adaptability |
Agent of Change | Analytical Thinking |
Articulate | Assertiveness |
Attention to Detail | Attention to Quality |
Attentiveness | Business Acumen |
Calm Under Pressure | Coaching and Mentorship |
Collaborative Mindset | Commercial Awareness |
Compassion | Concise Communication |
Conflict Resolution | Consistency |
Constructive Feedback | Continuous Learning |
Courteous | Creative Vision |
Creativity | Critical Thinking |
Cross-functional Collaboration | Cultural Awareness |
Cultural Sensitivity | Customer Advocacy |
Customer Service Orientation | Decision Making |
Design Sense | Diligence |
Diplomatic | Discretion |
Emotional Agility | Empathy and Understanding |
Ethical Decision Making | Executive Communication |
Executive Presence | Financial Acumen |
Flexibility | Friendly |
Global Perspective | Good With Customers |
Handling Ambiguity | Handling Criticism |
Handling Stress Well | Industry Awareness |
Influencing Beyond Authority | Initiative |
Intuition | Language Ability |
Learning Agility | Listening With Intent to Understand |
Maintaining Confidentiality | Meeting Commitments |
Meeting Deadlines | Negotiation |
Observant | Organizational Awareness |
Organized | Patience and Composure |
Personal Presence | Personal Resilience |
Persuasion | Polite |
Positive Attitude | Positive Language and Tone |
Prioritization | Problem Solving |
Professionalism | Public Speaking |
Relationship Building | Reliable |
Research Skills | Resolving Customer Complaints |
Resourcefulness | Respectful |
Responsibility | Self-awareness |
Self-confidence | Self-control |
Self-direction | Self-motivation |
Self-starter | Service Mindset |
Service Recovery Skills – Turning Around Customer Dissatisfaction | Sincere |
Social Perceptiveness | Solving Customer Problems |
Stakeholder Relationships | Strategic Vision |
Supportive | Sympathetic |
Tactful | Taking Ownership |
Team Mindset | Time Management |
Trust-building | Verbal Communication |
Versatile | Well-spoken |
Willingness to Learn | Working Under Pressure |
Writing and Written Communication |
Soft skills are talents that are difficult to acquire, document, test or transfer. These include many of the most valuable skills to business in areas such as leadership, communication and creative sense. Soft skills are a bit of a conundrum for businesses as they are valuable but it is also easy for job candidates to claim they possess these skills because they are so difficult to test.
Overview: Soft Skills | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Skills that require tacit knowledge and abilities. | |
Related Concepts |