Ability | Action |
Administration | Adoration |
Advantage | Adventure |
Amazement | Anger |
Annoyance | Anxiety |
Appetite | Apprehension |
Authority | Awareness |
Awe | Beauty |
Belief | Brand |
Bravery | Brilliance |
Brutality | Calm |
Capitalism | Care |
Certainty | Chaos |
Charisma | Charity |
Childhood | Civility |
Clarity | Comfort |
Communication | Compassion |
Confidence | Confusion |
Contentment | Control |
Corruption | Courage |
Creativity | Crime |
Culture | Curiosity |
Death | Deceit |
Dedication | Defeat |
Delay | Delight |
Despair | Determination |
Dexterity | Diligence |
Direction | Disadvantage |
Disappointment | Disbelief |
Dishonesty | Disturbance |
Dream | Duty |
Economy | Education |
Ego | Elegance |
Emergency | Emotion |
Employment | Envy |
Eternity | Evil |
Experience | Fact |
Failure | Faith |
Fascination | Fear |
Fiction | Fragility |
Freedom | Friendship |
Future | Generation |
Generosity | Glory |
Goal | Goodness |
Gossip | Governance |
Growth | Happiness |
History | Hope |
Idea | Idealism |
Infancy | Infatuation |
Infinity | Inflation |
Innovation | Insanity |
Intelligence | Joy |
Justice | Kindness |
Knowledge | Laughter |
Law | Liberty |
Lie | Life |
Literature | Loneliness |
Loss | Love |
Luck | Luxury |
Management | Marriage |
Mathematics | Maturity |
Meaning | Mercy |
Movement | Music |
Nature | Need |
Obedience | Openness |
Opinion | Opportunity |
Optimism | Pain |
Patience | Peace |
Perseverance | Pessimism |
Physics | Pleasure |
Poverty | Power |
Pride | Principle |
Problem | Process |
Realism | Reality |
Reason | Relaxation |
Relief | Religion |
Reputation | Restoration |
Riches | Right |
Rule | Rumor |
Sacrifice | Sanity |
Satisfaction | Science |
Self-control | Sensitivity |
Service | Shock |
Skill | Sleep |
Socialism | Society |
Solution | Sorrow |
Speed | Strategy |
Strength | Strictness |
Success | Surprise |
Talent | Theory |
Thrill | Timing |
Tiredness | Tolerance |
Trend | Trust |
Truth | Uncertainty |
Unemployment | Union |
Value | Victory |
Warmth | Weakness |
Wealth | Wisdom |
Wit | Worry |
Physical Things
It is a common mistake to assume that abstract things are anything you can't touch. In fact, the other senses beyond touch can be used to determine if something has a physical form or if it is abstract. For example, you can hear music such that music can be a physical thing as in the following sentence.The music was loud.
Music can also be an abstract concept if you are talking about music in general as opposed to music that you can hear at a point in time. For example:Music is wonderful.
Ambiguous Nouns
Some nouns are both abstract and concrete depending on context. For example, nature can refer to specific things such as trees, animals and weather.The nature in the park was beautiful.
Nature can also be an abstraction that describes the universe, world or characteristics of organisms. For example:The colors of nature.
Many of the abstract nouns above can also be used as verbs, adverbs or adjectives.Overview: Abstract Nouns | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A word that describes an intangible thing that has no specific physical form such as an emotion, state, concept or generalization. | |
Related Concepts |