A post that receives many comments | Accreditation from respected organizations |
An active social life | Appearing to have many friends |
Association with a popular trend | Association with high status institutions |
Association with high status people | Association with symbols of social status such as luxury brands |
Awards and recognition | Being a household name |
Being accepted into / graduating from a top university | Being featured in media |
Being friends with popular people | Being introduced by a high status person |
Being mentioned | Being respected by someone who is respected |
Being the center of attention | Celebrities in advertisements |
Celebrities who use a product | Collaborating with high status people, firms, institutions or brands |
Countersignaling whereby you pretend to criticize yourself to highlight your status | Critical acclaim |
Formal authority | Having a large fan base |
Having many friends | Having socially valued characteristics such as intelligence or good looks |
Having the mannerisms associated with high status such as the upper class | Influencers who endorse or promote a product |
Knowing people in power or with formal authority | Media coverage |
Name dropping to indicate your association with a high status person | Number of connections/friends on social media |
Number of social media followers | Number of subscribers |
Often being invited to parties or events | Often recognizing people you know, an indication of popularity |
Online reviews and recommendations | People have heard about you from multiple sources multiple times |
Power and position | Product placements in films |
Professional reputation | Public speaking exposure |
Ratings from users | Recommendations from a friend |
Respect from peers | Seeing people using a product or service |
Seeing people wearing a brand | Signaling wealth with photographs and images of yourself |
Signaling wealth with spending on symbols of wealth | Signaling wealth with words such as social media posts |
Social media likes and shares | The number of people who attend your events |
The number of people who go to your party | Wealth and privilege |
Word of mouth |