Ambition | Attention seeking |
Belief | Boredom |
Comfort | Compassion |
Convenience | Coolness |
Creative expression | Curiosity |
Defense of mediocrity | Defense of the status quo |
Desire for control | Drive for power and influence |
Drive for self-discipline and self-control | Emotional release |
Empathy | Epic experience - pursuit of deeply meaningful or thrilling experiences |
Fear | Fear of missing out |
Forgiveness | Friendship |
Generosity | Gratitude |
Habit | Harmony |
History | Humanity |
Improvement of lifestyle | Inspiration |
Justice | Kindness |
Legacy | Living in the moment |
Love | Love of nature |
Loyalty | Malevolence |
Morals | Necessity |
Need for belonging | Need for challenge and stimulation |
Need for companionship | Need for connectedness |
Need for freedom | Need for growth |
Need for independence | Need for meaning |
Norms | Obligation |
Passion | Peace |
Peer pressure | Personal expression – being yourself |
Personal growth | Physical needs such as hunger |
Playfulness | Preference for stability |
Pursuit of adventure | Pursuit of beauty and aesthetics |
Pursuit of change | Pursuit of culture |
Pursuit of happiness | Pursuit of health and well-being |
Pursuit of impact and contribution | Pursuit of joy |
Pursuit of novelty and trends | Pursuit of opportunity |
Pursuit of perfection | Pursuit of performance and mastery |
Pursuit of physical fitness | Pursuit of progress |
Pursuit of style | Pursuit of success |
Pursuit of the human experience | Pursuit of understanding |
Pursuit of variety | Pursuit of wealth |
Redemption | Responsibility and accountability |
Safety | Security |
Seeking validation | Sense of humor |
Sharing | Social status |
Survival | Sympathy |
The journey not the destination | Thirst for knowledge |
Tradition | Trust |
Values | Wanderlust |
Wonder |