APIs | Accessibility Practices |
Architectural Approaches | Communication Technology (e.g. Digital Marketing Ecosystem) |
Compatibility | Consumer Devices |
Customer Expectations Regarding Technology | Customer Experience & Technology (e.g. gamification) |
Data Management Practices | Efficiency & Technology (e.g. advancements to transportation technology) |
End of Support | Information Security Threats |
Information Security Vulnerabilities | Interoperability |
Management & Technology (e.g. decision making tools and data) | New Components (e.g. chips) |
New Materials | Obsolescence |
Operations & Technology (e.g. internet of things) | Organizational Culture & Technology (e.g. work from home) |
Partnerships & Outsourcing | Pricing Models (e.g. utility computing) |
Process Automation | Productivity & Technology (e.g. software & apps) |
Regulations (e.g. data privacy directives) | Standards |
Technology Capabilities | Technology Competencies (skills, talent and knowledge) |
Technology Costs | Technology Culture |
Technology Economics | Technology Governance Practices |
Technology Operations Practices | Technology Platforms |
Technology Products & Services | Technology Risks |
Usability Practices |