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Strategic Analysis
PESTEL Analysis

72 Examples of Competitive Factors

Competitive factors are external realities that influence strategy. These can be identified for a business or any other competitive situation. The common strategic planning tools SWOT and PEST analysis involve the identification of competitive factors where they are known as opportunities, threats, political, environmental, social and technological factors. The following are common examples of competitive factors.
Ability to Change (of competition)
Access to Capital
Anti-Competitive Practices
Attitudes & Values
Bargaining Power
Barriers to Entry
Barriers to Exit
Brand Image
Brand Recognition
Brand Reputation
Business Models
Business Risk
Climate & Weather
Consumer Perceptions
Contract Terms (of competition)
Culture Change
Customer Experience
Customer Loyalty
Customer Needs
Customer Pain Points
Customer Satisfaction (of competition)
Disaster Risk
Economic Conditions
Economies of Scale
Employee Satisfaction (of competition)
Financial Conditions (e.g. interest rates)
Functions & Features
Government Policy
Intellectual Property
Labor Market Conditions
Management Efficacy (e.g. incompetence of competitors)
Market Share
New Entries (into a market)
Operating Models
Organizational Culture (how does the competition work)
Overhead Costs
Permits & Licenses
Political Environment
Political Stability
Price Competition
Problems & Incidents (of the competition)
Product Development (i.e. future products of competition)
Product Positioning
Product Quality
Product Variety
Regulations & Compliance
Relational Capital
Revenue Models
Service Quality
Strategic Assets
Strategy of Competition
Substitute Goods
Supply Chain
Switching Costs
Technological Change
Trade Barriers
Trade Secrets
Turnaround Times (of competition)
Unit Costs

Strategic Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about strategic analysis.
Brand Image
Business Case
Competitive Factors
Culture Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
Gap Analysis
Internal Factors
Market Research
PESTEL Analysis
Political Factors
Risk Analysis
Risk Exposure
Target Market
Technological Factors
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Strategic Analysis

The definition of strategic analysis with examples.

Internal Factors

A list of common internal factors.

Economic Factors

A list of common economic factors.

Political Factors

A list of common political factors.

Technological Factors

A list of common technological factors that influence strategy.

Culture Factors

A list of common culture factors.

External Factors

A list of common external factors.

PESTEL Analysis

An overview of PESTEL analysis with examples.

SWOT Analysis

A strategy planning technique.

SWOT Analysis Examples

An overview of swot analysis with examples for a business, product, service, brand, professional, student and school.

Swot Threats

A list of threats for SWOT analysis.

SWOT Opportunities

An overview of the opportunity section of SWOT analysis with examples.

SWOT Weaknesses

An overview of SWOT weaknesses with examples.

SWOT Strengths

An overview of strengths in SWOT analysis with examples.

Business Weaknesses

A list of business weaknesses for strategic planning exercises such as swot analysis.

Business Strengths

A list of business strengths for brainstorming activities such as swot analysis.

External Environment

The definition of the external environment with business examples.
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