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Strategic Analysis
PESTEL Analysis

Political Factors

Strategic Control

Competitive Factors

Culture Factors

Economic Factors

92 Examples of PESTEL Analysis

PESTEL analysis is a systematic examination of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal drivers of change. This is useful for any future-facing analysis such as strategy planning, risk analysis and scenario planning. The following are common examples of things that can be considered in a PESTEL analysis.


Government policies, political events and changes.
Government stability
Tax policy
Trade wars
Trade policy such as tariffs
Political parties
Political ideologies
Geopolitical tensions
War and conflict
Government spending or cutbacks
Government policy
Trade agreements


Economic conditions that can influence your plans.
Economic growth
Interest rates
Exchange rates
Unemployment rates
Labor conditions
Strikes and labor actions
Consumer spending
Consumer confidence
Business investment levels
Business confidence
Monetary policy
Stock market conditions
Funding conditions
Debt levels
Inflation and deflation
Price levels
Energy prices
Cost of living
Foreign direct investment


Social and cultural influences including attitudes and social realities such as demographics.
Social structure
Family and household structure
Educational attainment
Socioeconomic structure and wealth distribution


Technological innovation, adoption of technology and how technology changes life.
Emerging technologies
Adoption of technologies
Artificial intelligence
Digital media
Technology economics
Disruption to industries
Disruption to society and quality of life
Disruption to labor market and professions
Immersive experience and games
Digital divide
Technology related competitive advantage and productivity
Technology ethics
Technology regulations and compliance
Technology monopolies and anti-competitive practices


Environmental issues, regulations and social conditions related to the environment.
Environment emergencies
Environmental justice
Environmental regulations
Environmental movements and protests
Resource depletion
Conservation issues such as extinctions
Soil erosion and land degradation
Climate change
Destruction of ecosystems
Resilience of cities
Quality of life
Loss of biodiversity
Public awareness of environmental issues


The legal environment and potential changes to laws, regulations and interpretations.
Employment regulations
Data protection and privacy laws
Contract laws
Intellectual property laws
Tax policy and interpretations
Consumer protection laws
Health and safety regulations
Competition laws
Whistleblower protection laws
Cybersecurity laws
Industry regulations
International trade agreements and treaties
Immigration laws
Advertising and marketing regulations
Next: SWOT Analysis
More about strategic analysis:
Brand Image
Business Case
Competitive Factors
Culture Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
Gap Analysis
Internal Factors
Market Research
PESTEL Analysis
Political Factors
Risk Analysis
Risk Exposure
Target Market
Technological Factors
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