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SWOT Analysis
Business Swot

Contingency Theory

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Situation Analysis

Business Strengths

Business Weaknesses

Competitive Environment


170 Examples for a Business SWOT

A business swot is the process of brainstorming the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a business. This is a common starting point for strategic planning and related activities such as market research. The following are lists of examples that can be used to help complete a business swot.


SWOT strengths are competitive advantages whereby you do something better than most or all of the competition.
Ability to scale
Able to comply with regulations
Business capabilities - e.g. a restaurant that bakes its own bread
Creative company culture
Cultural capital - able to influence customers / partners
Customer advocacy - customer feedback quickly incorporated into products
Customer relationships
Economies of scale
Efficient technologies
Efficient business processes
Engaged employees
Financial resources
Flexible & adaptable
Good business - environmental and social responsibility
High work quality
Highly effective marketing
Industry experience
Intellectual property
Lead the industry - others try to follow our strategy
Low cost for logistics such as delivery
Low cost supply of inputs
Low costs of production
Low risk exposure
Low time-to-market
Low unit cost
Loyal customers
Online presence
Positive customer perceptions of brand / product
Product / service features
Product / service performance
Product experience
Productive employees
Quality of products
Relational capital - value of your relationships
Reliable products
Responsive / fast turnaround time
Sales & marketing effectiveness
Service quality
Strength of brands
Strong leadership
Successful projects - ability to change rapidly
Superior customer service
Technology capabilities / know-how
Unique / valuable business model
Unique brand / product positioning
Unique knowledge
Unique product design


SWOT weaknesses are competitive disadvantages whereby the competition may be stronger than you in some area.
Access to customers
Access to data
Ad hoc processes / reactive mode
Bad publicity
Brand disadvantage
Corporate narcissism
Cost disadvantage
Customer dissatisfaction
Dependent on a few employees
Difficult, slow and expensive to scale
Difficulty closing sales
Difficulty generating leads
Failed projects
Few customers
Few products
Fragile processes - often break down
High turnover
High unit cost
Highly dependent on a partner
Ineffective value proposition
Internal politics
Know-how / knowledge shortfall
Lack of automation
Lack of financial resources
Lack of internal cooperation
Lack of market access
Lack of productivity tools
Low barriers to entry - easy to enter market
Low brand recognition / awareness
Low employee engagement
Low employee satisfaction
Low market share
Low partner performance
Low product variety
Poor customer service
Poor direction / inconsistent strategy
Poor usability of internal tools and technologies
Poor usability of products and services
Poor value proposition
Poor work quality
Red tape
Resistance to change
Revenue concentration - e.g. in one product category
Slow processes
Stuck following the competition
Unreliable employees / partners
Unstable technology
Weak customer relationships
Weak distribution network
Weak online / social media presence


SWOT opportunities are positive external conditions such as high demand for a product. The common mistake here is to list things you could do as opportunities when really this isn't a call for a plan but rather a list of favorable external conditions.
Availability of talent
Changes to customer needs
Changes to customer perceptions
Changing consumer preferences
Competitors exit your market
Competitors experience reputational damage
Competitors in decline
Consumer trends such as changing style preferences
Demand changes such as demand for brands that have a positive impact on the world
Economic growth
Economic stability
Emergence of new business models
Emergence of new marketing techniques
Emergence of new markets & industries
Existing brand recognition in your markets
Favorable demographic change
Favorable economic conditions
Favorable government policies
Government incentives or assistance
High / rising demand for a product or service
Ideas from customers
Industry consolidation such as a large firm that buys smaller competitors
Low labor costs
Low prices for inputs
Low red tape
Loyal customers waiting for your next product
Media interest in your products and brand
More efficient technologies, methods or approaches
New competitors that lack capabilties
New technologies
New ways to scale such as cloud computing or manufacturing outsourcing
Partnership opportunities
Political stability
Reduced regulations
Reduced trade barriers


SWOT threats are external factors beyond your control that could have a negative impact on your business.
Changes in customer needs and preferences
Competitors improve products and services
Competitors with a lower cost base
Compliance issues
Costs increase
Cybersecurity threats
Declining partner performance
Decreased demand for products
Disruption of business models
Exchange rate volatility
Global competition
Inability to finance / refinance business
Legal disputes
Loss of customers
Loss of key employees
Loss of partners
Market prices fall
Market saturation - reach a limit to growth in a market
Natural disasters, Labor shortages, Labor strikes, Bad publicity
New competitors
New regulations
Operational outages
Political disruptions
Price competition
Price wars
Quality of competing products
Regulatory actions
Supply chain disruptions
Technological change
Technology outages
The competitive actions of larger competitors

Swot Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about swot analysis.
Business Context
Business Swot
Competitive Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
External SWOT
Internal Factors
Personal Swot
Political Factors
Product SWOT
Situation Analysis
Team Strengths
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