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SWOT Analysis

38 Examples for an External SWOT

An external swot is the process of identifying external opportunities and threats as part of a SWOT analysis. Strengths and weaknesses are internal elements of your SWOT that solely relate to your capabilities and position. Opportunities and weakness are external elements of your SWOT that solely relate to external factors. The following are illustrative examples.


SWOT opportunities are external factors that are potentially advantageous to you. The most common mistake in SWOT analysis is to list plans for improvement here as opposed to external conditions. The following examples may help to clarify the types of things that qualify as a SWOT opportunity.
Changing customer preferences
Consumer trends
Customer demand
Economic and political stability
Economic growth
Failures and weaknesses of your competition
Favorable demographic changes
Low interest rates
New business models
New customer needs
New technologies
New ways to market your products
New ways to scale your business
Possible partners
Reduced competition
Reduced costs
Reduced laws and regulations
Reduced trade barriers


Threats are external factors that are potentially negative for you.
Competitive pricing
Competitive strengths of your competition
Cybersecurity threats
Decreased consumer spending
Decreased demand
Disruption to your business model
Exchange rate volatility
High interest rates
High quality of the competition
Increased input costs
Legal disputes
Marketing prowess of the competiton
Natural disasters
New competitors
New regulations
Political instability
Price wars
Strong brand of the competition
Supply disruptions

Swot Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about swot analysis.
Business Context
Business Swot
Competitive Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
External SWOT
Internal Factors
Personal Swot
Political Factors
Product SWOT
Situation Analysis
Team Strengths
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