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A bucket list is a list of experiences that you would like to have in your life or some specified period of time such as a summer. This is a type of end-goal planning whereby an individual lists their goals for future consumption of experiences. This may be done for fun or as a motivational device. The following are common elements of a bucket list.
Adventure | Altruism | Art | Business | Calculated Risk Taking | Coding | Concerts | Crafts | Creative Projects | Cuisine | Cultural Activities | Dancing | Design | Dieting | Diy | Education | Entertainment | Events | Exercise | Family | Fandom | Farming | Fashion | Festivals | Films / Television | Food Cultivation | Friendship | Games & Puzzles | Gardening | Habits | Health | Hiking / Camping | Historical Sites | Holidays | Housework | Immigration | Investing | Languages | Learning | Leisure | Luxury | Media | Museums | Music | Nature | Parenting | Performing Art | Pets & Animals | Picnics & BBQ | Play | Professions | Reading | Recreation | Research | Restaurants & Cafes | Rites of Passage | Road Trips | Romance | Science | Shopping | Sightseeing | Social Dining | Social Media | Social Status | Space | Spirituality | Sports | Tattoos | Technology | Theme Parks | Travel | Video Games | Volunteering | Well Being |
NotesBucket lists are often a form of idle entertainment whereby you imagine your personal consumption of experiences. This isn't necessarily a good form of personal development as end-goals often aren't actionable. Developing intentions and allowing experiences to flow to you may be a more pragmatic method for achieving things in your life.Generally speaking, self-discipline beats motivation such that dreaming of great things in the future doesn't necessarily increase your chances of achieving such things. In fact, listing and communicating the things you'd like to do may be satisfying such that it decreases your motivation to actually do something.Life bucket lists may encourage negative thinking such as the idea that life is a checklist or a score whereby whoever consumes the most interesting experiences wins. Short term bucket lists adopted by families or friends can be a type of game that help to make a holiday or vacation entertaining. For example, listing the experiences that you'd like to discover on a road trip. This can be irrational and silly but nonetheless gives you a shared purpose and mission.EtymologyBucket list is based on the old English idiom "kick the bucket", meaning to die. In this context, a bucket list is a list of things you'd like to do before you die. The likely origin of the phase is the 2007 film Bucket List and is attributed to its writer Justin Zackham.
Personal Development
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