Billing errors and disputes | Complicated user interfaces |
Damaged or defective products | Delivery delays |
Difficulty canceling orders or services | Difficulty changing orders or service subscriptions |
Difficulty in contacting customer service | Difficulty in reaching a person |
Difficulty managing account | Difficulty using product or service |
Difficulty with refunds or exchanges | Ethical concerns |
Failure to honor discounts | Failure to meet customer expectations |
Failure to respect customer status or tier | Hidden fees |
Impolite staff | Inadequate follow-up to inquiries |
Inadequate service environments | Inconsistent experience across channels |
Inconsistent experience across locations | Inconsistent experience over time |
Incorrect orders | Issues with loyalty or reward programs |
Lack of configuration options | Lack of order or status updates |
Lack of product information | Misleading advertising |
Misleading pricing | Mismanagement of customer accounts |
Out-of-stock items | Overcrowded services such as long waits in lines |
Perceived changes to quality levels | Poor cleanliness or hygiene |
Poor communication | Poor packaging |
Poor product performance | Poor product quality |
Poor service quality | Poorly trained staff |
Pricing discrepancies | Problems with installation or setup |
Product color not as depicted | Product not as described |
Service incidents | Service outages |
Shipping errors | Slow response time |
Slow services | Technical issues |
Unauthorized orders or changes | Unexpected charges |
Unfriendly or unhelpful service | Unpopular changes to services or products |
Unprofessional staff | Unreliable or outdated product information |
Unresponsive support | Unsatisfactory customer experience such as the taste of food |
Unsatisfactory return policy | Updates that are viewed as downgrades |