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Customer feedback is information that flows from the customer to a firm regarding the customer experience. This can include everything from market research before a product is launched up to post-sales conversations, complaints and reviews. The following are common examples of customer feedback.
Chat interviews | Complaints at service counters | Contact functions on web or mobile apps | Ecommerce reviews | Emails | Feedback cards | Focus groups | In-person interviews | Like / dislike button | Media posts such as review videos by customers | Post-order ratings | Post-sales follow up calls | Post-service ratings | Product review sites | Sales meetings | Service interactions | Service review sites | Social media direct messages | Social media posts | Suggestion boxes and digital equivalents | Support forums | Support tickets | Surveys | Tracking behavior such as cart abandonment |
Any conversation you have with a customer is potentially feedback. As such, customer-facing employees play a critical customer advocacy role whereby they make sure that feedback flows to those in your organization who can improve things such as product designs and processes.
Next: Customer Advocacy
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