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24 Examples of Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is information that flows from the customer to a firm regarding the customer experience. This can include everything from market research before a product is launched up to post-sales conversations, complaints and reviews. The following are common examples of customer feedback.
Chat interviews
Complaints at service counters
Contact functions on web or mobile apps
Ecommerce reviews
Feedback cards
Focus groups
In-person interviews
Like / dislike button
Media posts such as review videos by customers
Post-order ratings
Post-sales follow up calls
Post-service ratings
Product review sites
Sales meetings
Service interactions
Service review sites
Social media direct messages
Social media posts
Suggestion boxes and digital equivalents
Support forums
Support tickets
Tracking behavior such as cart abandonment
Any conversation you have with a customer is potentially feedback. As such, customer-facing employees play a critical customer advocacy role whereby they make sure that feedback flows to those in your organization who can improve things such as product designs and processes.
Next: Customer Advocacy
More about customer feedback:
Account Management
Customer Advocacy
Customer Experience
Customer Journey
Customer Service
Lead User
Self Service
Word Of Mouth
Customer Feedback
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