Business dinners | Business training |
Business travel | Coffee room conversations |
Collaborative work | Corporate retreats |
Customer service | Going for coffee |
Government relations | Industry conferences |
Interviews | Investor relations |
Joining committees | Lunch and learn sessions |
Managing stakeholders | Managing teams |
Media relations | Meetings |
Mentorship | Networking |
Onboarding activities | Online interactions |
Professional associations | Professional development activities |
Public speaking | Retirement parties |
Sales | Seminars |
Social media related to your profession | Team building |
Team lunches | Trade shows |
Training others | Welcome and goodbye parties |
Work events | Work friends |
Work fundraising events | Work related hobby clubs |
Work related sports teams | Work related volunteering |
Working with clients | Working with partners |
Professional social life includes all social interactions, professional relationships and shared experiences that occur as part of your work. These interactions require that you maintain a professional demeanor and behavior but are nonetheless social such that they exercise your social and communication skills and capacities.