A commonly known thing that you didn't know. | A time you got in trouble. |
Accomplishments | Adventures |
Artistic talents | Challenges |
Childhood | Childhood dreams (e.g. what you wanted to be when you grew up). |
Compelling / dramatic stories about your life. | Cooking experiences |
Creative talents | Creative works (e.g. published a book) |
Cultural experiences (e.g. organizing a dance festival) | Disadvantages / Adversity |
Disappointments / Things you learned | Diy projects |
Dreams / Goals / Vision for your life | Epic experiences |
Experiences living abroad | Failures / How you recovered |
Family | Favorite animals / Pet related stories |
Favorite art + why | Favorite color + interesting story |
Favorite film / series / director / actor | Favorite food |
Favorite season + why | Fears / Fears you've overcome |
Friends | Funny stories about your life |
Habits | Hobbies |
Idiosyncrasies | Inspirational moments / Sudden realizations |
Interests | Languages you speak |
Leadership experiences | Lifestyle |
Likes + interesting story | Mental abilities |
Musical talents | Musical tastes |
Passions / Obsessions | People you know |
People you've helped | People you've met (i.e. interesting story -- avoid name dropping) |
Personal quirks | Personality |
Philosophy | Physical abilities |
Problem's you've solved | Recreational activities |
Relationships | Religion |
Routines | School experiences |
Sense of humor | Sense of imagination |
Skills you've mastered | Social life |
Sports you play | Sports you watch / Teams you support |
Style / Fashion sense | Subculture pursuits (e.g. cosplay) |
The people who helped you / Stories of gratitude | Things you'd do differently |
Things you've lost | Times you surprised yourself / the people who know you |
Times you were brave | Traditions you follow |
Travel experiences | Unusual talents |
Values (e.g. a story about how much you value your independence) | Volunteer experiences |
Ways you've changed | Work experiences |
Specific Example
A good answer to the question of "what is interesting about you?" could be humble and mildly humorous but also communicate something noble about you.In high school I tried to make the cross country team three times and three times I failed. They must have liked my persistence though, because when the star runner broke their ankle at the start of a season, the coach invited me to join. I'd like to say that I went on to win championships for the school but that wasn't the case. However, it became a great experience for me as I enjoyed being part of the team and eventually improved from placing around 30th to placing in the top 10 in several races.