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What are Modular Robotics?

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Module robotics are robots designed with parts that can be reconfigured to assume different shapes and functions. In many cases, such robots are able to reconfigure their own shape autonomously.
Modules may be large and unique or small and identical. In the later case, robots begin to resemble programmable matter that can take any shape. For example, a robot could become a worm to crawl through a pipe or take a human shape.
In theory, small reconfigurable modules with programmable properties could represent a type of universal robot that can take any shape and perform virtually any function. Such modules may be expensive to develop but may be cheap to produce in the long term as they achieve economies of scale.
As with any extremely advanced technology, modular robots represent both an existential risk and a potential way to improve quality of life.
Overview: Modular Robotics
Robotics that can self-reconfigure their parts to take on different forms and functions.
Potential for inexpensive universal tools that may revolutionize the economy, improve quality of life and enable exploration of space.
Existential risks related to military applications, environmental impact, self-replication and superintelligence.
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