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What is a Technological Singularity?

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A technological singularity is a hypothetical event that involves explosive improvement of artificial intelligence. It is based on the premise that rapid cycles of improvement might create greater improvements with each cycle eventually leading to leaps forward by orders of magnitude with each iteration.
Such an event would result in an intelligence far greater than human intelligence. It is generally believed that a technological singularity would defy human comprehension and the results would likely be beyond our ability to control.


The idea of a technological singularity is often accused of being extremely optimistic or pessimistic depending on the prediction.
Comparisons with other self-improving systems such as biology suggest that recursive self-improvement leads to gradual results inconsistent with the technological singularity hypothesis. For example, a corporation is self improving and typically makes use of technology but even the most successful company has limits to its rate of improvement.
Overview: Technological Singularity
A sudden rapid improvement in artificial intelligence that results in a superintelligence.
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