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What is a Cloud Client?

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A cloud client is a computer program that runs on a user's device that depends on cloud services for functionality.


Cloud clients allow a device with limited capabilities such as a mobile phone to leverage cloud services that have scalable resources such as computing cycles and data storage. This allows for rich functionality without slowing things down on the user's device.
A cloud client can be dumb, meaning that it is useless without a connection to cloud services. Alternatively, it may be fully functional without a connection. In some cases, cloud services provide background functions and the user doesn't notice much when they're not connected.


A car navigation system is designed as a cloud client. The client is mostly functional without a connection. When a connection is available, the navigation system downloads updated maps and provides real time traffic information from a cloud service.
Overview: Cloud Client
A computer program that runs on a user's device that depends on cloud services for functionality.
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