Agents and brokers | App stores - distribute mobile apps and related services |
Auctions | Automated kiosks and vending machines |
Business-to-business sales | Business-to-government sales |
Channel sales – sales teams that sell to distributors, wholesalers and retailers | Concession stands |
Conferences | Dealerships |
Digital platforms for selling and providing services | Direct delivery of services e.g. cutting lawns in your neighborhood |
Direct mail | Direct sales – selling directly to the customer |
Distribution partners | Distributors – purchase from producers and sell to channels such as retail |
Dropshipping | Ecommerce |
Events | Field sales |
Flagship locations | Franchisees |
Importers in other nations | Inside sales – selling without leaving the office |
International sales | International sales partners |
Markets in virtual environments such as games | Mobile apps – a type of ecommerce |
Online markets | Original equipment manufacturers – put your products inside their products |
Person-to-person sales | Physical markets such as a farmers market |
Pop-up shops | Referral programs |
Resellers | Retail |
Sales partners | Showrooms |
Social media to promote and deliver services | Store-in-a-store |
Subscription boxes | Subscription services |
Trade shows and exhibitions | Trading companies – buy from exporters and sell to importers |
Value-added resellers | Websites – a type of ecommerce |
Wholesalers |