limits of logic
4 Limits Of Logic John Spacey, updated on
![]() 1. Partial TruthsMany forms of logic only handle true or false. Where rational thought can easily see a glass as approximately half full. Logic tends to give you, false that the glass is full and false that it is empty. It should be noted that some forms of logic, including fuzzy logic, can handle partial truths.2. LanguageEach form of logic represents observations in a formal language of logic. These languages impose limitations that don't exist in natural language. In other words, logic languages can't represent or consider the subtleties of a natural language such as French.3. UncertaintySome forms of logic fail to handle uncertainty, although this is studied by a field known as probabilistic logic. Any form of logic that can't handle uncertainty has difficulty with real world decision making because uncertainty is common.4. Human PerceptionUsing logic to create something that people are passionate about such as architecture tends to have low value. It is notoriously difficult to codify perceptions such as aesthetics, emotion or cultural concepts. For example, if you were to write a movie review with formal logic, humans would typically view the results as lacking insight. Artificial intelligence could review a film by looking at people's opinions about similar films and assimilating them. Such approaches are a facade of judgment that can generally be viewed as low value.ThinkingThis is the complete list of articles we have written about thinking.If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable.
LogicA few logic terms explained.Law Of Excluded MiddleA classical law of logic first established by Aristotle.Fuzzy Logic
Logic that allows for partial truths.
Logic vs Intelligence
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