Access to Credit | Administrative Overhead |
Anti-competitive Practices of Competitors | Attracting Customers |
Changing Customer Needs | Changing Customer Perceptions |
Closing Sales | Competitive Pressures |
Concentration Risk (e.g. one customer or product dominates your sales) | Cost Reduction / Cost Control |
Cost of Labor | Cost of Materials / Parts / Components |
Cost of Real Estate / Locations | Customer Relationships |
Customer Retention & Loyalty | Customer Satisfaction / Low Rankings and Ratings |
Cybersecurity / Cybercrime | Disputes with Competitors / Partners / Customers |
Economic / Market Uncertainty | Employee Benefits / Cost of Benefits |
Employee Productivity | Establishing a Brand |
Exchange Rate Instability | Failing Infrastructure / Equipment / Software |
Failing Projects / Poor Project Management | Global Competition |
Government Shutdowns | Growing Revenue |
High Debt / Low Liquidity | Improving / Controlling Quality |
Inefficient Processes | Inflation |
Integration of Systems / Data / Technologies | Internal Politics / Negative Office Politics |
Investor Relationships | Lack of Internal Cooperation |
Legacy Technology | Legal Disputes |
Low Conversion Rates | Low Employee Performance |
Low Margins / Net Profits | Low Partner Performance |
Marketing / Promotions Fail to Achieve Target | Measuring Employee Performance |
Operational Failures / Production Shortfalls | Organizational Culture / Resistance to Change |
Political Instability | Poor Internal Communication |
Price Competition | Product Failure / Lack of Demand |
Recessions | Recruiting Talent |
Red Tape | Refinancing / Interest Rate Risk |
Regulations & Compliance | Reputational Issues |
Retaining Employees | Seasonal Risk (e.g. low consumer confidence at Christmas) |
Software Usability | Supply Chain Disruptions |
Tax Burden | Tax Complexity |
Technological Change | Time Consuming Customers / Partners / Employees |