7 Types of Reasoning John Spacey, updated on
![]() 1. Deductive ReasoningDeductive reasoning is a formal method of top-down logic that seeks to find observations to prove a theory. It uses formal logic and produces logically certain results.2. Inductive ReasoningInductive reasoning is bottom-up logic that seeks theories to explain observations. It is exploratory in nature and allows for uncertain but likely results.3. Abductive ReasoningLike induction, abductive reasoning seeks theories to explain observations. It is less rigorous and allows for best guesses. Abductive reasoning is typically used in the context of uncertainty. It is associated with decision making and troubleshooting.4. Backward InductionBackward induction is a top-down approach that starts with theories or end-states and works backwards to explain them. It allows for uncertainty and is commonly used in artificial intelligence. For example, it's a classic way for a computer to play chess by considering game end-states and working backwards to evaluate moves.5. Critical ThinkingCritical thinking is a process of rational thought that seeks to draw conclusions in an objective, thorough and informed manner. It's a product of human thought and is influenced by factors such as culture and language. Human thought is based on natural language that allows for a great range of ideas to be contemplated. For example, humans can easily process partial truths, commonly known as grey areas, that tend to be a challenge in the field of logic. Critical thinking can also examine complexities such as emotion. For example, critical thinking can be used to critique a film or book.6. Counterfactual ThinkingCounterfactual thinking is considering things that are known to be impossible. The most common example of this is evaluating past decisions that were once possible but are now impossible as their time horizon has passed. Considering how past decisions might have worked out is a common human thought process that may improve decision making abilities.7. IntuitionIntuition are judgements that are made by the mind that are perceived by the unconscious. Such judgements exhibit intelligence but the processes by which they are generated aren't well understood. Although intuition is sometimes taken lightly, it has played a significant role in scientific discovery.ThinkingThis is the complete list of articles we have written about thinking.If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable.
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