Absenteeism | Bad Publicity |
Bench Strength | Brand Recognition / Awareness |
Collecting Accounts Receivable | Company Culture Issues |
Competitors Improve Their Products / Services | Compliance Issues |
Concentration Risk | Corporate Narcissism |
Cost Competitiveness | Credit Risk |
Customer Attrition | Customer Attrition |
Customer Complaints | Customer Experience Issues |
Customer Needs Change | Customer Perceptions Change |
Declining Demand for Product | Declining Sales / Revenue |
Demographic Change | Disasters & Disruptions |
Disconnection from Customers / Culture / Society | Disconnection from Industry Realities |
Employee Engagement | Employee Turnover |
Employer Branding / Rankings | Environmental Impact of Your Business |
Exchange Rate Risk | Failed Projects / Changes |
Failed Strategy | Failing Business Model / Revenue Model |
Financial Mismanagement | Financing / Refinancing |
Global Competition | Government Shutdowns |
Inaccurate Forecasts / Estimates | Increasing Costs |
Ineffective Commissions / Incentives | Ineffective Promotion / Marketing |
Inefficient Business Processes | Inflation |
Information Security Weaknesses & Threats | Infrastructure Failures / Shortfalls |
Innovations of the Competition | Interest Rate Risk |
Knowledge Loss | Lack of Accountability |
Leadership Failures | Legacy Technology |
Loss of a Partner | Low Performers |
New Market Entrants | Operational Failures |
Overbudget / Late Projects | Overcomplexity of Technology |
Partner Performance | Partnerships of the Competition |
Political Instability | Poor Customer Relationships |
Price Competition | Process Turnaround Time |
Product / Service Quality Issues | Product Liability |
Product Positioning Issues | Product Rankings / Ratings / Reviews |
Recessions | Recruiting Issues |
Regulations / Regulatory Risk | Regulatory Actions |
Reputation / Brand Image | Resistance to Change |
Resource Mismanagement | Service Culture |
Shortages | Slow Projects / Changes |
Social Impact of Your Business | Strategic Alignment (i.e. everyone moving in a different direction) |
Supply Chain Disruptions | Taxation |
Technological Change | Technology Usability |
Time to Market | Trade Barriers / Tariffs |