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Database of Work Issues (200 Entries)

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Work issues are challenges, problems and risks related to an organization and workplace. This includes organizational issues related to processes, policies, products and systems. Work issues also include culture issues related to norms, expectations and workplace behavior.
All (200)
Work Culture (45)
Communication Issues (34)
Organizational Issues (34)
Workplace Conflict (25)
Working Conditions (35)
Roles & Responsibilities (17)
Performance Issues (11)
Bad publicity
Bonuses and incentives
Bringing personal problems to work
Bringing politics to work
Broken processes, procedures and policies
Change communication issues
Cleanliness issues
Client dissatisfaction
Communication barriers with remote teams
Company stability issues
Compensation fairness
Conflicting priorities and goals
Corporate social responsibility
Cultural misunderstandings
Culture of blame and finger-pointing
Deadlines not communicated clearly
Delegation issues
Differences in work styles
Disconnect between employees and leadership
Disconnect between goals and work assignments
Dishonesty or fraud
Disputes with customers or partners
Disrespectful behavior
Distracting noise levels
Employee disputes
Employee perks
Employee sabotage
Employees withholding key information
Employment contract terms
Environmental impact issues
Ethical standards
Excessive meetings
Excessive secrecy
Excessive volumes of emails
Fabricated performance issues
Factions forming within teams
Failure to celebrate successes
False accusations
False rumors
Favoring experience over performance and talent
Favoritism and bias
Fear of offering creative ideas
Fear of speaking up about problems
Feedback not actioned
Groupthink whereby employees fear communicating openly
High employee turnover
High pressure to meet deadlines
Highly competitive work environments
Hygiene issues
Inability to accept failure
Inability to deliver successful projects
Inadequate feedback on performance
Inadequate or uncomfortable seating
Inadequate temperature
Inconsistent application of policies
Inconsistent decision-making
Inconsistent leadership messaging
Incorrect or unclear instructions or procedures
Ineffective leadership
Ineffective meeting management
Inefficient processes
Inefficient use of resources
Information not shared across teams
Information overload
Insufficient breaks
Insufficient communication of company strategy
Insufficient cybersecurity
Insufficient employee involvement in decision-making
Insufficient onboarding
Insufficient physical security
Insufficient progress updates
Insufficient social opportunities at work
Issues not escalated properly
Jealousy over promotions or recognition
Lack of accountability for poor performance
Lack of administrative support
Lack of collaboration
Lack of creative thinking
Lack of emergency preparedness
Lack of feedback
Lack of integration between departments
Lack of internal promotions
Lack of leadership accountability
Lack of natural light
Lack of policy clarity
Lack of privacy
Lack of recognition
Lack of resources
Lack of respect for confidentiality and private information
Lack of support for conflict resolution
Lack of transparency
Lack of trust
Lack of two-way communication
Language barriers
Leadership focused on personal interests
Legal disputes
Level of teamwork
Limited educational or training opportunities
Limited opportunities for advancement
Low employee empowerment
Low employee engagement
Low employee morale
Low employee satisfaction
Low productivity
Manager-employee conflicts
Managing customer complaints
Misaligned expectations
Miscommunication between teams
Misuse of authority
Negative behavior in meetings
Negative office politices
Organizational restructuring
Overcrowded workspaces
Overlapping responsibilities
Overly bureaucratic processes
Overly lax policies
Overly political environments
Overly strict policies
Overreliance on email
Overuse of jargon
Overuse of temporary or contract workers
Paid time off
Parental leave policies
Performance expectations not communicated clearly
Personality clashes between coworkers
Poor air quality
Poor crisis management
Poor customer relationships
Poor documentation of performance goals
Poor documentation of roles and responsibilities
Poor ergonomics
Poor handling of employee complaints
Poor handling of performance issues
Poor interpersonal relationships between coworkers
Poor performance
Poor product quality
Poor tech support
Poor treatment of customers
Poor treatment of freelancers
Poor treatment of partners
Poor treatment of remote workers
Poor work-life balance
Poorly defined roles
Power struggles amongst employees or teams
Regulatory compliance issues
Remote work policies
Resistance to change
Resistance to cross-functional collaboration
Resource shortages
Retirement and pension plans
Rigid hierarchy
Risks from chemicals
Risks from machinery or physical dangers
Role ambiguity
Salary or wages
Siloed departments
Skill gaps
Slow adaptation to industry changes
Slow or delayed decisions
Stagnant products or services
Taking credit for other people's work
Task autonomy
Technology issues such as unstable systems
Time management issues
Unapproachable senior leadership
Unclear authority
Unclear company values
Unclear job expectations
Unclear organizational goals
Unclear organizational structure
Unclear reporting relationships
Unclear roles and responsibilities
Unclear roles due to organizational changes
Undermining colleagues
Undue complexity in technology and processes
Unfair performance reviews
Unfair treatment
Unfairness towards customers
Unmanaged risk
Unproductive meetings
Unrealistic leadership expectations
Unstated performance expectations
Vague or meaningless communications
Working hours flexibility
Workload imbalance
Workplace bullying
Workplace gossip and rumors
Workplace safety violations

Work Culture

Issues related to norms and expectations for behavior that emerge within an organization over time. For example, a highly political workplace culture where employees avoid offering creative ideas for fear of criticism.
Common work culture issues include mediocrity, cronyism, resistance to change, lack of cooperation between teams and a lack of professionalism.

Communication Issues

Breakdowns in communication such as excessive secrecy, rumors and a disconnect between employees and leadership.
It is also possible for organizations to overcommunicate whereby meetings and emails consume massive resources and reduce overall productivity.

Organizational Issues

Issues related to the realities of an organization's leadership, policies, strategies, processes, systems, tools, products, market position and customer relationships.
For example, working in customer service for a firm with high quality products and fair policies is perhaps far more pleasant than working for a firm with low quality products, unfair terms and a hostile relationship with customers.

Workplace Conflict

Issues of unprofessional conduct and interpersonal conflict. This can make a workplace unpleasant, particularly if these issues aren't actively managed and promptly resolved.

Working Conditions

Working conditions are the realities of a job such as pay, hours, benefits and physical working environment. Issues in this area include difficult conditions such as low pay and long hours.

Roles & Responsibilities

Issues related to your job role and responsibilities. For example, being hired for a role but then assigned work that has little to do with this role.

Performance Issues

Issues related to performance including low performance or unfairness in the goal setting and performance review process. For example, a manager who doesn't immediately communicate issues but rather waits for your performance review. Low performance should never be a surprise on a review as it is only fair to provide timely feedback.
Next read: Work Culture
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Malicious Compliance
Negative Selection
Not Even Wrong
Nudge Theory
Passive Aggressive
Petty Authority
Political Capital
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Social Proof
Tit For Tat
Trained Incapacity
Work Behavior
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