All (200)
Work Culture (45)
Communication Issues (34)
Organizational Issues (34)
Workplace Conflict (25)
Working Conditions (35)
Roles & Responsibilities (17)
Performance Issues (11)
Bad publicity | Benefits |
Bonuses and incentives | Bringing personal problems to work |
Bringing politics to work | Broken processes, procedures and policies |
Burnout | Change communication issues |
Cleanliness issues | Client dissatisfaction |
Communication barriers with remote teams | Company stability issues |
Compensation fairness | Conflicting priorities and goals |
Corporate social responsibility | Cronyism |
Cultural misunderstandings | Culture of blame and finger-pointing |
Deadlines not communicated clearly | Delegation issues |
Differences in work styles | Disconnect between employees and leadership |
Disconnect between goals and work assignments | Discrimination |
Dishonesty or fraud | Disputes with customers or partners |
Disrespectful behavior | Distracting noise levels |
Employee disputes | Employee perks |
Employee sabotage | Employees withholding key information |
Employment contract terms | Environmental impact issues |
Ethical standards | Excessive meetings |
Excessive secrecy | Excessive volumes of emails |
Fabricated performance issues | Factions forming within teams |
Failure to celebrate successes | False accusations |
False rumors | Favoring experience over performance and talent |
Favoritism and bias | Fear of offering creative ideas |
Fear of speaking up about problems | Feedback not actioned |
Groupthink whereby employees fear communicating openly | Harassment |
High employee turnover | High pressure to meet deadlines |
Highly competitive work environments | Hygiene issues |
Inability to accept failure | Inability to deliver successful projects |
Inadequate feedback on performance | Inadequate or uncomfortable seating |
Inadequate temperature | Inconsistent application of policies |
Inconsistent decision-making | Inconsistent leadership messaging |
Incorrect or unclear instructions or procedures | Ineffective leadership |
Ineffective meeting management | Inefficient processes |
Inefficient use of resources | Information not shared across teams |
Information overload | Insufficient breaks |
Insufficient communication of company strategy | Insufficient cybersecurity |
Insufficient employee involvement in decision-making | Insufficient onboarding |
Insufficient physical security | Insufficient progress updates |
Insufficient social opportunities at work | Issues not escalated properly |
Jealousy over promotions or recognition | Lack of accountability for poor performance |
Lack of administrative support | Lack of collaboration |
Lack of creative thinking | Lack of emergency preparedness |
Lack of feedback | Lack of integration between departments |
Lack of internal promotions | Lack of leadership accountability |
Lack of natural light | Lack of policy clarity |
Lack of privacy | Lack of recognition |
Lack of resources | Lack of respect for confidentiality and private information |
Lack of support for conflict resolution | Lack of transparency |
Lack of trust | Lack of two-way communication |
Language barriers | Layoffs |
Leadership focused on personal interests | Legal disputes |
Level of teamwork | Limited educational or training opportunities |
Limited opportunities for advancement | Low employee empowerment |
Low employee engagement | Low employee morale |
Low employee satisfaction | Low productivity |
Manager-employee conflicts | Managing customer complaints |
Micromanagement | Misaligned expectations |
Miscommunication between teams | Misuse of authority |
Negative behavior in meetings | Negative office politices |
Nepotism | One-upmanship |
Organizational restructuring | Over-communicating |
Overcrowded workspaces | Overlapping responsibilities |
Overly bureaucratic processes | Overly lax policies |
Overly political environments | Overly strict policies |
Overreliance on email | Overuse of jargon |
Overuse of temporary or contract workers | Overwork |
Paid time off | Parental leave policies |
Performance expectations not communicated clearly | Personality clashes between coworkers |
Poor air quality | Poor crisis management |
Poor customer relationships | Poor documentation of performance goals |
Poor documentation of roles and responsibilities | Poor ergonomics |
Poor handling of employee complaints | Poor handling of performance issues |
Poor interpersonal relationships between coworkers | Poor performance |
Poor product quality | Poor tech support |
Poor treatment of customers | Poor treatment of freelancers |
Poor treatment of partners | Poor treatment of remote workers |
Poor work-life balance | Poorly defined roles |
Power struggles amongst employees or teams | Regulatory compliance issues |
Remote work policies | Resistance to change |
Resistance to cross-functional collaboration | Resource shortages |
Retirement and pension plans | Rigid hierarchy |
Risks from chemicals | Risks from machinery or physical dangers |
Role ambiguity | Salary or wages |
Siloed departments | Skill gaps |
Slow adaptation to industry changes | Slow or delayed decisions |
Stagnant products or services | Taking credit for other people's work |
Task autonomy | Technology issues such as unstable systems |
Time management issues | Unapproachable senior leadership |
Unclear authority | Unclear company values |
Unclear job expectations | Unclear organizational goals |
Unclear organizational structure | Unclear reporting relationships |
Unclear roles and responsibilities | Unclear roles due to organizational changes |
Undermining colleagues | Understaffing |
Undue complexity in technology and processes | Unfair performance reviews |
Unfair treatment | Unfairness towards customers |
Unmanaged risk | Unproductive meetings |
Unrealistic leadership expectations | Unstated performance expectations |
Vague or meaningless communications | Working hours flexibility |
Workload imbalance | Workplace bullying |
Workplace gossip and rumors | Workplace safety violations |