Avoiding accountability -- blames others | Avoids ambiguity |
Avoids difficult conversations | Avoids risk taking |
Biased and unfair | Complaints, defeatism and negativity |
Confrontational, unreasonable or impolite | Corruption & cronyism |
Cultivates a negative team culture | Disengaged and aloof |
Doesn't manage risk | Doesn't plan |
Fails to delegate work | Fails to provide feedback |
Fails to set expectations | Failure to build support or consensus |
Fears change | Feels threatened by talent |
Generally uninspiring | Inability to answer questions convincingly |
Inability to build and sustain relationships | Inability to compel, motivate and inspire |
Inability to deliver results | Inability to influence |
Inability to sell ideas or promote accomplishments | Inattention to detail |
Indecisive | Ineffective issue clearing |
Inefficient communication -- long pointless meetings | Inflexible |
Lackluster reputation | Lacks empathy or the ability to read and use emotion |
Lacks passion and energy | Lacks understanding and knowledge |
Low credibility | Low tolerance for stress |
Manipulative | Obsessed with obscure issues |
Overanalysis | Overcommitment -- often makes promises that aren't delivered |
Overly optimistic or pessimistic | Overplanning |
Oversensitive -- takes everything personally | Overuse of jargon and complex language |
Poor behavior or results -- inability to lead by example | Poor communication skills |
Poor listening habits | Poor negotiation skills |
Poor quality decisions | Poor resilience -- cracks under pressure |
Poor strategic vision | Poor work ethic |
Resists change | Secretive |
Slow decisions | Time management -- failure to prioritize |
Timid | Too harsh with criticism |
Too serious -- makes everything bleak | Too strict -- destroys creativity and alienates talent |
Unethical | Unimaginative vision, strategy and decisions |
Unprofessional | Untrusting -- excessive monitoring and control |