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50 Examples of Study Goals

Study goals are targets for learning efforts. These can include end-goals such as grades and objectives that are meaningful steps towards end-goals. It is common for study goals to be designed to be SMART or specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. This is mostly intuitive. The measurable part simply means that it is clear when the goal has been met. The following are common examples of SMART study goals.
Improve my GPA to 3.6.
Read and take notes on 5 chapters per week.
Preread chapters before each lecture.
Learn 100 vocabulary words in a week.
Score 90% or higher on the math exam.
Finish the history essay 3 days early so that there is time to edit and revise it.
Write a 10-page research paper in 2 weeks.
Complete 6 physics problems per day.
Memorize all key terms in a chapter today.
Take two online courses and earn certificates within 4 months.
Read the assigned books and take notes at 2 chapters per day.
Attend all lectures.
Ask questions a minimum of 2-3 times a week in class.
Learn a new programming language and write a practice program within 3 weeks.
Complete 5 practice tests before the exam.
Memorize 50 sociology terms each week.
Review all lecture notes within a week of the lecture.
Write and memorize an outline for a presentation within 2 days.
Write an outline for a paper in 30 minutes.
Write a draft for a paper within 3 hours.
Focus on studying for 40 minute periods with 20 minute breaks between.
Visit the physics professor during office hours at least once a month.
Graduate with honors.
Graduate at the top of my class.
Get into a good university.
Take a computer science class to see if it’s interesting.
Complete a coding assignment by the end of the week.
Join or organize a study group for the law exam.
Get to know at least 3 people in history class.
Review 50 vocabulary each day.
Memorize the periodic table of elements this week.
Go the the library to study at least 5 times a week to eliminate distractions.
Get an A in algorithms class.
Get to class on time every day this term.
Choose a research topic this week.
Get feedback from the professor regarding my research topic next week.
Identify 10 sources for my research and take some initial notes on each.
Review the fractals unit 3 times before the exam.
Increase my productivity to 20 practice exercises an hour.
Complete the weekly lab by Thursday each week.
Start the plant experiment on Monday and take observations daily for two weeks.
Include at least 5 specific data examples in all my sociology papers this term.
Complete all homework on time this term.
Study for weekly tests each night for three nights in advance of the test.
Develop flashcards for all the equations in statistics class and completely memorize all of them.
Reread all my notes before the exam.
Complete all three practice exams on Thursday.
Reread and check all of my ethics assignments before turning them in.
Listen in class and take detailed notes.
Get a tutor for math and prepare for sessions with practice problems I couldn’t answer.
A measurable goal is something can be unambiguously marked as completed. For example, "do well in science" isn't measurable but "get an A in science" is measurable.
Measurable goals don't always include a number. For example, "submit the essay on time" is considered measurable because it can be measured as true or false.
Organizations and institutions often require goals to be SMART or at least measurable. However, as an individual you are free to adopt qualitative goals that are more meaningful. For example, "understand the fractals unit inside out before the exam."


This is the complete list of articles we have written about studying.
College Experience
Creative Learning
Forgetting Curve
Growth Mindset
Learning Curve
Learning Goals
Learning Plan
Learning Styles
Rote Learning
School Life
Spaced Practice
Student Performance
Student Skills
Study Goals
Study Habits
Study Skills
Study Topics
Zeigarnik Effect
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