Comfort | Convenience |
Cost Savings | Customer Service Quality |
Educational | Efficiency |
Entertaining | Fair Terms |
Faster Service | Features |
Financial Outcomes | Functionality |
Health & Wellness | Improves Decisions |
Increased Happiness | Meets a Need |
Performance | Productivity |
Provides Information | Reliability |
Required Style or Color | Safety |
Security | Simplifies Things |
Social Status | Social Outcomes |
Solves a Problem | Stress Reduction |
Time Savings | Usability |
Measuring Outcomes
Customer outcomes are quite diverse and are based on customer perceptions and how they use your offerings. It is common to measure customer outcomes using generalized questions such as simply asking customers if they are satisfied. The following are common measures of customer outcomes.
Customer outcomes can be examined as a high level metric such as customer satisfaction. It is also common to look at several types of satisfaction with a survey that asks customer to rate several elements of the customer experience. Detailed analysis can also be conducted to look at the different ways individual customers succeed with your offerings. This has many possible dimensions as follows.