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Employee outcomes are real world business results related to employee performance and workplace culture. This includes high level metrics such as revenue per employee that indicate how much employees are producing. Employee outcomes can also look at the results of culture initiatives such as programs to improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover. The following are common employee outcomes.
Absenteeism Rates | Average Employee Tenure | Customer Satisfaction Scores | Disciplinary Actions | Employee Engagement | Employee Performance Ratings | Employee Turnover Rate | Goal Attainment | Job Satisfaction | Output Per Employee | Policy Violation Incidents | Project Success Rates | Quality of Hire | Revenue Per Employee | Schedule Variance | Task Completion Rate | Time-to-Hire | Training Completion Rates |
OverviewEmployee outcomes include business results attributable to employees and measures of employee performance. It is also common for employee outcomes to be measures of culture and employee engagement or job satisfaction.SummaryBusiness outcomes related to employee performance, workplace culture and employee engagement.Next: Business Outcomes
More about employee performance:
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