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125 Examples of Job-Fit

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Job-fit is the degree to which a job is suitable for an individual given their personality, working style, attitudes, experiences, abilities and priorities. What is a dream job for one person may be a bad experience for another. Considering job-fit may help both job candidates and employers to avoid situations where job satisfaction and performance is low due to a poor match between an individual and a job. The following are common elements of job-fit.


Elements of an employee's character that influences their satisfaction and performance in a job. For example, if you are outgoing and creative you may not enjoy a job that involves working mostly alone on a systematic process with little variation. An individual who is introverted and who enjoys structure may enjoy this type of work.

Work Attitude

An individual's overall approach to work and the feeling they put into it. Different jobs benefit from different work attitudes. For example, a customer service representative who is friendly and helpful or a bank examiner who is skeptical and analytical.

Working Style

An individual's general approach to work. For example, a manager who prefers consensus decision-making as a team versus an manager who is comfortable making timely decisions without much consultation. Both of these working styles may be effective in different types of jobs.


Experience including work experience or life experience that may prepare an individual for the demands of a job. For example, public speaking experience in an academic setting that may prepare a candidate for speaking at conferences on behalf of an employer.

Aptitudes & Abilities

Abilities and potential that allow an individual to thrive in a job. For example, a job with little supervision or support where self-management skills become a real advantage.


Career and personal interests such as hobbies that may prepare an individual for a role and improve their satisfaction with the work. For example, a geologist role that involves much fieldwork may benefit from interests such as hiking and camping that prepare an individual for the rigors of outdoor work.

Working Conditions

Working conditions are the realities of work including elements such as policies, terms of employment, environments, workplace culture and the overall demands of a job. This is a common reason for a job to be a poor fit for an individual. For example, a parent who wants to see their kids in the evening who won't be happy in a job that involves evening shift work.

Job-Fit vs Culture Fit

Job-fit is anything about a job that makes it a good or bad choice for an individual. Culture-fit is how well an individual is likely to do in a particular workplace culture. For example, an individual who may not thrive in a sales office that is competitive and fast-paced.
The term culture-fit has a bit of a reputation for being misused to justify biases, particularly ageism whereby older candidates are told they aren't a good culture fit by an employer that mostly hires relatively young candidates. It is unethical to use either job-fit or culture-fit as an excuse for unfair hiring practices.
Next read: Job Depth

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