Acceptance & InclusionLearning to accept others and working to include them in things. | Aesthetic LifePursuit of beauty and other aesthetics such as minimalism. |
Being YourselfPursuit of what comes naturally. | Being a Good PersonDoing good as you see it. |
BraveryOvercoming fears. | Building Up OthersWorking to create opportunity for others. |
BusinessThe pursuit of value creation and capture. | Comfort & ConvenienceAvoiding effort and pain. Generally viewed as a low / undesirable purpose. |
CompetitionThe pursuit of competition and winning including games, sport and real life competitions. | ConnectednessBuilding social connections and relationships. |
Conservation / AnimalsWorking to save animals or make things better for them. | CoolnessNot caring about the things that don't matter. |
Creative ExpressionPursuit of creative expression such as art, design or craft. | Cultural LifePursuit of cultural experience, immersion and expression. |
Deep EmotionCultivating emotional depth and understanding. | Deferring JudgementBecoming less judgemental / opinionated. |
Ding in the UniverseContributing in some small way to the direction of the future. | DreamsMaking the imagined real. |
EnvironmentWorking to help save the environment. | Epic ExperiencePursuit of adventure and other thrilling experiences. |
ExistenceThe drive to survive. | FamilyFamily experiences and fulfillment of your role in a family such as parenting. |
Finding YourselfPushing yourself into challenging situations to learn about yourself. | FreedomLiving free and working to preserve your freedoms. |
FriendshipReciprocal relationships with people you like and respect. | Gratitude & HumilityLiving with a sense that you rely and others and appreciate how they have helped you. |
GritDeveloping social, economic and personal toughness. | GrowthConstantly improving your material, social and personal situation. |
HumorEmbracing the dark oddities of life with humor. | KnowledgePursuit of curiosity and learning. |
LeadershipBecoming a person that others follow. | LearningDeveloping talents and knowledge. |
Life ExperiencePursuit of the human experience. | Living in the PresentLearning to live in the moment without obsessing over past and future. |
LoveUnconditional admiration and mutual support. | MasteryRefining and perfecting a talent. |
MissionPursuit of a goal such as something you want to become. | NostalgiaThe pursuit of a past that is gone never to return. |
Overcoming the PastForgiveness and other processes that help you to overcome the past. | Personal ExpressionExpressing who you are. |
Personal PresenceBecoming socially dominant. | PersonalityDeveloping positive character traits and retiring negative ones. |
PerspectiveEstablishing a healthy view of things (e.g. seeing that a particular problem is not the end of the world). | PlayPursuit of joy for the sake of joy. |
PleasurePursuit of self-indulgence. | Profession & CareerMastering a profession and pursuit of a meaningful career. |
Redemption & AtonementMaking up for things in the past that you're not proud of and overcoming them so that they no longer define you. | RelatednessSocial acceptance and inclusion. |
RelationshipsCultivating and sustaining relationships. | RespectBeing a person who is worthy of respect. |
ResponsibilityDoing what you have committed to do. | Safety & SecurityReducing danger. |
Self-awarenessTrying to understand yourself with a process of introspection. | SelflessnessTrying to be of service to the world. |
Sense of WonderGratitude for the small mysteries of life. | Social ExperienceMoments of friendship and other social interactions. |
Social IssuesWorking to help improve social issues. | Social StatusPursuit of respect without necessarily deserving it. |
Spirituality & ReligionPursuit of the meaning of life. | StylePursuit of style in personal expression, living and creative expression. |
The JourneyThe idea that the process is the purpose. | TranscendenceOvercoming painful elements of the human experience to operate at some higher level. |
VisionPursuit of a vision of the future. | WealthBuilding up financial resources. |
Worthy MissionBeing part of the solution to big problems. |